astrology predictions for 2024 election

May 15, 2023 0 Comments

This is certainly not good news for Donald Trump. The passage of Uranus through Taurus, and the tectonic changes affecting national economies in 2021 and 2022 as Saturn and Uranus clash, will bring a huge reconstruction. 25th December 1991, 20.45 Moscow AS 25 Leo. We will see which party has momentum going for them during the challenging time between October 24 and November 8, that party will be the winner in the midterm election. There will be a significant improvement in the economy between April 2022 and February 2023. The US economy will be doing very well after April 2024 for 4 years. I had mentioned in my December 17, 2022 astrology update that when we see Mike Pences Grand Jury testimony, we will know Indictments are coming. The electricity grid? Answer (1 of 43): There is no straight answer to this question. Now Donald Trumps indictment is almost imminent after the Jan 6 Committees public hearings. Each area where there has been pollution will undergo a transformation which will radically reduce or eliminate pollution. Just like an electric version of Skype. We will be waiting for many days before we know who will control the House and Senate. Owens has previously speculated about the possibility of her running for president, but the conservative influencer - who will meet the legal requirement by turning 35 in 2024 - is probably too young. American people are realizing corporate profits have skyrocketed and still they are raising prices. Neptune rules addiction, alcohol, art, compassion, enlightenment, fantasies, dreams, drugs, ideals . Bidens average approval rating is 55% and his average disapproval rating is 39% at this moment. What is interesting is that her progressed Mercury is retrograde and it conjoins the Sun three years into Bidens presidency. Wild Cards - Carolyn Maloney - Yes could win. 2024 President Election Predictions: Prediction Market. Electric or hydrogen powered, there will be no exhaust. Expect the Cover-Up on 8th May 2022 You can expect a cover-up involving sex, death and money in the US regarding Midterms election day, 8th May 2022. The final astrology prediction we will make in the beginning of November 2022 before the election date. This is a difficult and challenging year for President Biden. Plus, a fed-up American public can make a difference as well for if we show up and vote in a landslide it's more difficult for operatives to finagle outcomes their way and against We The People's wishes. You dont have to be a great mathematician to see that the next conjunction will be in 2025, which is the year Putins presidency officially was to end. President Biden tests positive for COVID, symptoms are mild. Please remember March, April, May, June, July 2023 are very sensitive and challenging months for the country and our economy as well. US 2024 Presidential Prediction . It suppressed the voter turnout for GOP for the midterm election. Again, this is, According to the Forewoman of the Georgia Grand Jury, Emily Kohrs, the Georgia Grand Jury recommended indictments of multiple people in 2020 Presidential Election interference for range of crimes. Traffic jams or accidents? At the same time, those whose horoscopes showed their absence, their governments were in the minority and they too lost the trust of the people. The historian who predicted every presidential race since 1984 says Trump likely won't make a political comeback in 2024. Jupiter will be especially busy in 2022, as he will dance into Aries from May 10, 2022 until Oct. 28, 2022. Opposition / enemies will be strong between February 2023 and February 2024. It seems like the Special Counsel Jack Smiths Trump criminal investigations are in final stages also, as people in the Donald Trumps inner circle such as Mike Pence, Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, Mark Meadows are subpoenaed by the special counsel. Friday July 9, 2021: First we should note that a multitude of earth-based social and political factors will affect the final results of the 2024 Presidential Election and quite a few astrologers poo poo the Venus Cycle theory of US elections. New Delhi . The popular Russian astrologer is known for her accurate predictions. May not win the house or may win with a very thin majority. Take cars for example. In my opinion this special Master issue will be resolved before last week of October this year, and the investigation will move forward. 2022 MID-TERM ELECTION ASTROLOGY . Inflation is a worldwide problem, not just Americas problem. 2024 UP state will be divided and 2 states will be formed. The major G8/G20 Currencies will . In every city. Again this is completely optional, as my astrology article and updates are made available to you for free. President Biden has pretty much just four months, July, Aug, Sept, Oct this year to get his agenda done. However, to me the Venus Cycle seems one of the more basic influences upon who wins and who loses the coveted White House position. Create a specific match-up by clicking the party and/or names near the electoral vote counter. President Biden will face decline in poll numbers, and opposition / enemies will be strong in the month of December 2021. Leadership will destroy all progressive prospects. With the buildup of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, conditions were good for his autocratic and extreme governing style. GOP has alienated moderates and independents who decide all elections in US. In fact, turnout is even surpassing 2018 levels. How will that go down with Xi Jinping, who like Putin is also born on the exact Saturn-Neptune conjunction from 1953? The contract that resolves to Yes shall be that which identifies the party whose candidate on Election Day wins the 2024 U.S. presidential election. We are seeing record-breaking voter turnout across the country. Roe vs wade and gun violence will change our lives for many, many decades. 4. Therefore, today I'm plopping the Venus Cycle effect upon US election cycles back into the discourse of SO'W with an eye toward November 5, 2024 when Venus will be in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius and future references to the 2024 Election will certainly turn up here on SO'W and elsewhere as time flees on. How democracy could collapse in 2024. Want to make a complex subject like astrology simple? For purposes of this map, only states rated safe by at least six of them are shown in the darkest shade. On one level this seems rather magnificent for Chinas Belt and Road initiative, which is a massive plan to extend Chinese influence throughout the world. In this period it is highly likely that the technological dominance of China will be established. Thanks to all my regular astrology readers for all your support. Should the winner of the presidential election not be the candidate of any party listed in this market at the time of resolution, all contracts shall resolve to No. Either name yourself or keep your comments to yourself. Kevin McCarthys time is really very difficult and challenging between March 15 and May 15 this year. This astrology prediction was given on March 1, 2021, a year ago. The year 2030-2031 is likely to witness a major World War (aka) a Mahabharat. Joe Biden Astrology | Joe Biden Presidential Astrology | Coronavirus Astrology | 2022 Mid-Term Election Astrology Predictions, Joe Biden Astrology | Joe Biden Presidential Astrology | 2022 Mid-Term Election Astrology Predictions | Coronavirus Astrology, JOE BIDEN VEDIC ASTROLOGY | JOE BIDEN ASTROLOGY | CORONAVIRUS VEDIC ASTROLOGY | 2022 MID-TERM ELECTION ASTROLOGY PREDICTIONS, Donald Trump Indictment astrology predictions. Coal, oil, factory farming and the mass production of meat, money, ambition and greed. Primary Menu Sections Search And that also goes for Midterms 2022! I had also indicated in my President Biden's Astrology article that there will be war like situation in 2023 also. This isn't a popularity contest. But she will be the face of opposition in 2024 elections. What we are learning is GOP cannot win elections with Donald Trump and they cannot win elections without Donald Trump, because if GOP dumps Trump, then the MAGA crowd will stay at home on election day. The latest polls for the 2024 Presidential Election. Joe Bidens approval rating is under water for first time, but still, it is better than Donald Trumps approval rating. The inflation and gas prices are high in US, because large corporations are trying to make up for the loss in profits due to a minimum 15% corporate tax that is included in the 'Inflation Reduction Act'. Its a long shot, but its a possibility. Hear Bill Maher's prediction for 2024 election. Inflation and higher gas prices will have impact on our lives for few months, perhaps a year or so. The schism will end in November or December 2024 and a legitimate pope will be elected at that time with the antipope resigning, possibly facing excommunication. 4. You guide to the past, present and future. Until he changed the constitution to add two extra presidential terms beyond that year. The Saturn-Neptune conjunction is almost exact at 2 Aries in July 2025, then Saturn goes retrograde and makes its final pass in February 2026 at 0 Aries. GOP lies work with poorly educated misinformed voters, but not with educated suburban voters. No one will be able to remove him from his Chair of PM of Hindustan. Political parties like Congress, AIMIM, DMK, SP, NCP policies, statements and actions will be considered as threat to . This will be Republican partys slogan in 2022 midterm election, but I am not buying it. Trump will again go through very bad time between October 20 and November 16, this year. In case of Senate, we may have to wait for the Georgia Senate runoff election. BRS gets humiliated at national level (Lok Sabha elections). This astrology article is based on A rating birth time, which is further rectified by me, appears to be accurate. The partial solar eclipse on October 25, will give us clue which political party will be the winner in this 2022 Mid-Term election. Thus, you can face the year with more courage and conviction. Ellen DeGeneres - May decide to run. The BJP will be a changed outfit and will try to rope in wise, youthful . During a Zoom interview with The National, ProfLichtman held up a note he received from Mr Trump in 2016 shortly after that prediction came to fruition. But if there is no solution in May/June/July 2022, then this war will continue for long time. The Morning Star status of Venus occurs in November (2nd through 8th, when presidential elections are held) when 'the lady' is in the early degrees of Libra, one of the signs Venus rules. Putin, who was born on the 1953 Saturn-Neptune conjunction, will leave in 2025-26. Young voters usually tend to have a low voter turnout. Trump will be in more trouble after March 2023. Climate The moment has finally come, Donald Trump will be indicted any time after March 4, 2023. Let us see how Trump and McCarthys challenging and difficult time just before the midterm election impacts GOPs momentum going into the midterm election. But one big challenge President Biden is facing in 2021 / 2022 is, how quickly the 300+ million Americans can be vaccinated to contain the COVID-19. The chances are very high, if Trump will be indicted this year, then it will happen between October 20 and December 14 this year, if not through the Mar-a-Lago classified documents investigation, then through some other criminal investigation. Now Mike Pence has decided to fight this subpoena in court, may delay the matter by few weeks. This has some relationship to the timing of Trump indictment. No exceptions, no matter brilliant the insights therein. So, it seems like the second time window (March through August 2023) should be correct for indictment. The period from February 2023 to October 2023 will be difficult one for the country. Control of the airwaves will become far more important than control of territory. BY: Harry Brent . November 7, 2020 Patrick Watson Comments (32) First order of business - Donald Trump was defeated by Joe Biden in the 2020 US Presidential Election and I called it officially in my paper which I published on November 25th 2019 here. Gas hits 50+ day low (median US price below $4 per gallon. If that is the case, ProfLichtman says it will be a tougher journey for Democrats. Be Your Own Astrologer. There will be at least 20 to 30 people who will be indicted besides Donald Trump. The midterm election is on the day of the eclipse on November 8. Now many people are worried about high inflation and gas prices, and they may vote for the Republican party. Read my lips neither President Biden nor Republicans can fix the inflation and higher gas prices, but recession in 2023 will. Also of interest is the so-called Tecumseh curse, which was the prediction that all presidents elected in zero . What is Lichtman's prediction for 2024? Biden / Harris will face decline in poll numbers. Weekly Numerology Prediction. The timely movements of the outer planets are again present as we reconfigure our political and monetary systems. On election night outside the White House, a very partisan crowd of demonstrators clearly expected Mr Biden to be declared the winner in a clear landslide, but they would have to wait for hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots to be counted across the country. There is nothing much President Biden or Republicans can do to control high inflation. Coronavirus will be contained after Saturn leaves Capricorn sign in April 2022. WHEN: Neptune will pay a brief visit to Aries from March 30, 2025 until October 22, 2025. Today, New Delhi is almost impossible to breathe in. . Know yourself, know your partner, and create the romantic spark. The best option for DOJ is to appeal to the 11th circuit appeals court at the earliest. Donald Trump and Republicans are tired of losing elections again and again! Andhra Pradesh State Horoscope and Future Predictions. 2022 will bring you a surge of entrepreneurship and a greater focus on leadership. At this time, Pluto essentially transferred its dossier of Trump transgression and criminality to Eris, who will now pursue the case . Astrology Made Simple. In my opinion Donald Trump will be in the first batch of indictments, and many low hanging fruits will be in second batch of indictments. Then we can get the average of polls to understand what is going on. Its never happened before; no losing candidate has ever initiated widespread challenges to an election like this, particularlywhen these challenges have absolutely no basis in fact. Thanks again for all your support. Now many people have asked me during past couple of days, when this Russia / Ukraine war will be over. The British psychic starts his annual predictions video by telling viewers, "I produce these sort of videos all the way through the year, but . Now the extreme right wing of GOP party has the power to block McCarthy from the House Speakership. Starting in 2024, technological Uranus (the ruler of Aquarius), will travel in a close trine (120-degree angle of activation) to Pluto for the rest of the decade, accelerating when Uranus enters quicksilver Gemini in 2025. Some GOP candidates who completely went against Trump are still winning the primaries, while others are losing the primaries despite receiving Trump endorsements.'. There are various interpretations and astrologers are burning both ends of the candle to tell us where we erred or if we actually did or whether things were simply beyond our control. I repeatedly reaffirmed this prediction, including when the votes began to come in and it looked like Donald Trump might be re-elected, but I understood that no election was final until all the votes were counted, and in most states the mail-in ballots, which were overwhelmingly Democratic, would be counted last.". But here's a new notice: Abuse of courtesy has occurred. In itself this was quite a good clue to the Democrats winning the election. After the mid-term election, the betting platforms have shifted their goalpost, and most of them predict Ron Desantis to be the GOP nominee. Inflation is a worldwide problem. But even next year from March 2023 to May 1, 2024, is very bad for Trump. President Joe Biden's approval rating bounced back on Friday to 44 percent, close to the mid-term election, according to a new poll by Rasmussen Reports. Certainly, Venus is no stranger to or in Washington, DC. Its a non-partisan system.. Russian Flag up. See What Tomorrow Brings. Others risked much more as essential workers and had to expose themselves to the corona virus daily. I found President Zelensky of Ukraines birth time details also with A rating on internet. With the sitting president running again, youre not going to have a big internal party fight, thats a major key, and youre unlikely to have a big third-party movement. Whether Democrats will win or lose in the mid-term election, largely depends upon how President Biden will handle this challenging time between now and April 2022. It seems like we may see the Georgia grand jury indictment first for Donald Trump and the Special Counsel indictment next. Trump faces a criminal probe in New York, we reveal what happens. Ron DeSantis is the new GOP leader with his impressive victory in Florida. The country is divided, and the Republicans seem to have an electoral college edge for now, but savvy bettors know that change is the only constant. Early voting data looks very good for Democrats. Things may be looking good for Republicans on the election night because most Republicans vote on the election day, and their votes will get counted first. BJP emerges as strong opposition in Telangana state elections (2023). Saptahik Rashifal. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - No, but may succeed later after 2024. (Note 1) The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius sets the scene for a new socially-conscious style of government ill-suited to the narcissism of Trump. The Astro-compatibility software that brings happiness in relationships. An unsteady peace in the Middle East will continue to prevail, as long as both Israel and Iran are not backed by acceleratingly aggressive acts by their respective Allies over their preferred oil pipeline routes (includingthe USA, EU/NATO, Russia, Turkey, and Ukraine). This will require a whole new set of treaties to avoid global meltdown. Astrological comments on America, on Washington DC, and on the politicians who infest themwith a gentle sprinkling of world events,,_Laussel,_replica.JPG, US Election Day November 5, 2024: Portents of Venus in Sagittarius. GOP has not shown their plan to control inflation to the American people so far. Mr Lichtman said although this election was unconventional because ofthe Covid-19 pandemic and several other factors, he did not flinch on election night when it came to his prediction of a Biden victory, while also acknowledging the mercurial nature of voters. ProfLichtman, who details his strategy for predicting the White House winner in his book, Predicting the Next President: The Keys to the White House, said although it is very early, it would strongly be to the Democratic party's advantage if Mr Biden ran for re-election in 2024. In addition to the presidential forecast Lewis has also shown a scary prediction about the future threat of ISIS that you should know. Candace Owens' 2024 odds are +10000. With the Sun at 7 Libra and the Moon at 3 Aquarius, there is rather a wonderful series of grand trines taking place. He writes horoscopes and political astrology forecasts. I will make the final astrology prediction on the Mid-Term Election after the October 25 partial solar eclipse. Former President Donald Trump at the final day of the Conservative . We just pumped smoke through chimneys, cigarettes and exhaust pipes. President Biden is going through honeymoon period right now. I receive tons of encouraging emails from people all over the world who read my astrology article / updates on my Donald Trump | 2020 Presidential Election Astrology article every day. I hope you enjoyed my astrology predictions for former President. You lose the incumbency key right off the top, and youre much more likely to have an internal party battle for who will be the nominee to take over fromJoe Biden, he said. Apparao. Kayne West - No Kim Kardashian - No, but could run later in history. French astrologist . In . I just said the chances of Democrats winning the White House in 2024 will be high, because the US economy will be doing well in 2024, just before the Presidential Election, then why American people would want change in the leadership. The Frenchman, who has accurately predicted some major world events during the 16th century, believed that the current conflict in Eastern Europe could spark a "great war". Republicans have just one solution to all American people's problems, that is Tax cuts for the wealthy. The fate of 2022 mid-term election largely depends upon how President Biden will handle this difficult period from December 2021 to March 2022. Now the next time window when Trump can or will face the indictment is between March 1 and September 1, 2023. See because of the eclipse on the election day, we still do not know who won the midterm election. My condolences to the families of thirteen marines who were killed in Kabul attack. Look what happened this week. Please read the last few lines in my 2022 astrology predictions for President Biden in this astrology article. In my 2022 astrology predictions for President Biden, I had predicted, more than a year ago, that July 2022 will be a good month for President Biden to get things done. Drivers? Prof Lichtman, who details his strategy for predicting the White House winner in his book, Predicting the Next President: The Keys to the White House, said although it is very early, it would strongly be to the Democratic party's advantage if Mr Biden ran for re-election in 2024. Even so, let's not use the word 'cheating' though I will say that cheating isn't winning, it's stealing. Midterm "Too Close To Call" Elections - 81% correct. If Democrats have majority in House and Senate, then they can fix Roe vs Wade and Gun violence. They are hoping GOP will win the house and Kevin McCarthy will be the house majority leader, who will then try to impede all Trump investigations. The planetary energy will be very negative during this time, you will see many angry people. I had predicted May is the time when they will find some solution to this war. 519 predictions / 444 correct = 85.5% Accuracy Track Record. Today was a very bad day for Donald Trump. Already, after witnessing the lamentable handing of the pandemic in the USA, Chinese people young and old are convinced their communist country is far superior, whilst the power of the USA is fading. Navjot Singh Sidhu will not be able to become Chief Minister even in 2022. The last president of the United States will pull the country out of the economic crisis but push it towards war. According to astrologer Chirag Daruwalla, Prime Minister Narendra Damodar Das Modi will take a bold decision for the welfare of the country and the national interest and will get rid of many . 2018 U.S. President Joe Biden is born on November 20, 1942 at 8.30 AM in Scranton, Pennsylvania. In my opinion 300+ million Americans will get vaccinated either by April 2022, or by end of 2022, and Coronavirus will be contained. 15.15. I built a model to predict the outcome of the 2024 presidential election. astro. There will be decline in poll numbers during this period for President Biden. Yogi Adityanath will become Chief Minister again in 2022. My model predicts Democrats will earn . At the November 2024 election her Sun progressed is exactly sextile Saturn. Trump will be indicted any time after March 4, 2023 and we should be done with all indictments by June 1, 2023 or by July 15, 2023. Too many shooting incidents are happening across the country. Stationary retrograde Saturn from Capricorn sign is powerfully aspecting Bidens natal Mars in Libra sign by its 10th aspect. Corporate Greed and higher gas prices due to Ukraine war, are responsible for the high inflation. They could have done it after mid-term election. Here are the latest preference from Smarkets for the 2024 Presidential election: Ron DeSantis: 26.32%. There will be two batches of indictments, first batch between October 20 and December 14 this year, the second batch between March 1, 2023, and September 1, 2023. . Although the Sun-Moon trine shows support from the People to the Party, Pluto on the Moon unleashes the concept of the dictatorship of the proletariat. There could also be a war like situation during this time. Furthermore, the lunar eclipse in Trumps chart, with the Sun at 22 Gemini and the Moon at 21 Sagittarius was hit by a solar eclipse on December 14th 2020 when Joe Bidens victory was confirmed by the Electoral College. This will happen in 2024. Republicans are trying to overturn the Roe vs Wade before the mid-term election. The conjunction squares the 1991 Russian horoscopes Sun, so it is likely that leadership is completely undermined at this time. Hindi News. Democrats have a chance in this mid-term election because of the following, despite President Biden's low approval rating right now: 1. Predictions For 2020-2024 and Beyond. Will leave the power due to health. A few years ago, it seemed impossible to know what this would mean, and how such a transition could take place. Modi, who came to power . Answer (1 of 19): Other galaxies are racing away from the Milky Way at millions of miles an hour. American People have also asked me if Donald Trump will be Republican candidate for 2024 Presidential Election and can Trump be President again. Still do not know who will be a changed outfit and will try to in! Seemed impossible to know what this would mean, and opposition / enemies will be Republican partys slogan 2022. 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astrology predictions for 2024 election