supergirl fanfiction alex knee injury

May 15, 2023 0 Comments

And we just keep saying shell be fine? Deep in the basement of the DEO, Lex sits at his desk in his lab, going over papers and files and documents and recipes. She did it once, to a nice man with a photo album, but when she did it only startled him because he had assumed she automatically remembered everything. A Nia. What about him? Nia asks, the thrill of finally getting some action overcoming her. So I was a little bummed to find no new Sanvers Valentines Day fic here when I checked on the 14th. The main goal on her mind is to keep her sanity. Steam rises around the streams of pressure, boiling water spilling from the sky. But as she watched it play, no emotion came to her face. Kara inhales unevenly. Lena is amazed at the vastness of the secret government agency, but Kara doesnt have the heart to tell her that shes been here before. With a sigh Lena closes her book and decides to give her full attention to the child next to her. Shes been running around the city night after night, taking care of it in Karas absence. But youre not the type of person to make things easy, I can promise you that.. But Rama Khan pays no attention to her. For the first few years, Alex was more than content to be home with her wife and adopted daughter. You dont think so? Theres a brief silence, just the whooshing sound, then her voice returns. Shes beaten him before. Alex sighs into her, squeezing her back. Legends. The ceiling turns on again, but instead of the chilling water as before, its a scalding rain. No, nothings wrong. Like someone cut it off her., Brainy nods thoughtfully, hands hovering over the burned hole in the abdomen. Yes, you are. With a mighty yank, he strips her off her hero identity, leaving behind the alien within. He pounds several times, her head snapping and brow swelling. Alex pictured this moment as a hug of relief, tears of joy she was alive and safe, but she only feels a deep sense of something wrong as her sister looks at her with no recollection of who she is. We have no idea who did it, why, when, how, Alex says, thinking out loud. A zip-up jacket and a pair of leggings, along with some sneakers. She sees right through them. I thought we were a team, Ms. Luthor. She didn't know when it had suddenly not been enough. On the front page was the headline Kiss of Death, an image of Lex giving mouth-to-mouth to Kara. Is she injured?. But this she couldnt handle this. Alex and the rest of her family were assured that what they were about to see might be difficult for them. Kate shifts to Kara. I hope I didnt just make things worse., Kara sighs, leaning against the balcony door frame. You have to defeat them! If shes in two places at once, we know somethings up., Alex nods slowly, sliding the flash drive to Brainy. Jonn joins the embrace, offering his own words. Or me. Immediately he feels his body weaken. Barry turns his head and watches her go. Are we allowed to see her, or?, Yes. My position only permitted me access that far. She turns over, pushing herself onto her back and feeling the cold sensation of tile through her shirt. We dont know its him, Nia counters, sitting in one of the rolling conference chairs. She sits with her knees up to her chest, hands on the side of her head as tears roll down her cheeks. Espaol. I cant lose her too, Alex, he says softly. But I can prove it wasnt. Call the other heroes. My name is Lena Luthor, she says smoothly, walking right up to her desk and sticking out a hand. Except its not, Alex says, pouring the wine. He double-crossed us, Kara sums. Ten minutes of brutal water, an hour of either AC or heat. Now, she wakes in an extremely lit room, spotlights aimed at her. Do you think its Lex?. Youre wrong! Sister?, Do you remember your name? Im sorry, Kryptonite? Lena asks, turning to Kara. But it was her only choice. Supergirl glorious, Batwoman proud, Flash grinning, the rest of the heroes surrounding them victorious. And thats dangerous. Not yet, Alex decides. Wow, that suit is a sight for sore eyes., Kara chuckles, brushing off her shoulder. Jonn and Mgann, though strong and able to fight, will be no match for the several forces theyll be up against. Its a long story, Kara says, returning to the table with Alexs glass. The gritty image of a blond woman with glasses smiles up at her, and something about her makes Lena feel like she is the one she needs to call. It had been a week since the team stole weapons from the DEO when Kara got the phone call. And you cant do anything about it., Kate smiles, watching as Kara steps out onto the balcony. Its just a continuation. Are you feeling alright? That she can handle whatever theyre doing to her?, Kelly pauses, taking in her words. Are you alright?. Not anymore, Kara says, too soft for them to hear. I can understand how it must have been. It makes Kara ordinary, and she knows that the real Kara, the person she befriended years ago, is not the one sitting in front of her. He looks down, walking up to the side of her bed. The entire right side of her face is bruised and swollen, her eye so inflamed its sealed shut. How could I be so selfish?, Hey, dont beat yourself up, Kate consoles, knowing what this woman means to Kara. And although going to Kara was what she knew she needed to do, she didnt come expecting their friendship to be mended. There she is. I thought I lost you in the beginning there.. No one would be able to protect them. She shivers uncontrollably, never being exposed to such freezing temperatures. The red sun lamps are working well with containing her, but he hates the feeling for himself. All the paperwork she was working on the night before has vanished, and a bulging bag beside him tells her exactly where it all went. Well, you better start digging then. Lena nods respectively and Alex sips her wine. He puts himself in her shoes and does his best to make her feel human. And Im a super. We run into the line of fire. Forcefully, he grabs the collar of her suit and brings the blade to her neck. So heres my little contribution to it. She had created a serum to erase memories. I plan on him reaching out. Slowly, the table murmurs their agreement. The heroes were outnumbered, and there wasnt anything they could do about it. What are we waiting for? Kate asks, stepping up to the balcony. But putting her in pain will only scare her more. Lena is about to give up when she remembers she has a sister who is fully trained in magic, Luna Luthor. Her nose was crooked from its breaking, but it no longer hurt to touch. Well, thats a first., Kate hums, then gestures to her partner. Ive dealt with it for so long that now, Im pretty much sick of it. Shes not going to prove it to you, Luke., Kara glances at Kate. Her body is still sore, some minor cuts and bruises from whatever happened to her, but she was itching to get out of bed. He sniffs and wipes his tears away with the back of his hand, regaining his composure. Karas fists clench, not wanting him to read her so easily. Create new ones. Mean. Featuring: Director Sanvers, Jamie, SuperCorp, MerDer and alien-related injuries. It was a constant pink, save for the times the water was cold and she spent the time blue and frozen. And that was how her family wanted it. Kate, Mon-El, Winn, and Karas team stay inside, finding it difficult to think when their thoughts are revolving around what Kara might be going through. The thrill you get from finally being able to kill. No, please. Cadmus? Wow., Kara chuckles. As soon as we get something from Leviathan, we will, Alex promises, putting a hand on her shoulder. Agents wheeled her into the DEO, over the seal and past concerned coworkers. How is Alex doing?, Shes immersed herself in searching for Leviathan. They know my favorite food, what shoe size I am, who my celebrity crush is. Plus, theres nothing wrong with wanting, because want doesnt mean it will come true. Sure it would. Everyone Ive met with Ive let down. They can move faster and go undetected.. Mon-El tilts his head in agreement, but he wears a mask of stone. He swipes away a few strands of hair that have fallen into her closed eyes, then sits back on the ground, pulling her into his lap. Have you shown her the Tower yet?. Ive got her, Alex says, sensing the hesitation from him. Her pen scratches the old paper and it echoes through the empty office. No, it wasnt. Scalding pressure forces her into the tile, laying on her stomach as she is pelted with the streams. And I needed a good motivater to talk to you guys.. Theyve seen the news by now and are probably tracking her on their own, anyway.. So helpless. If you didnt send your army I wouldve been right on time. This is a hero. But the phone is hers. Supergirl Fanfiction: Can anyone help me find a fic where Alex does not react to kindly to Kara coming out/revealing her relationship with Lena? The heat cuts off in the room, and Kara waits patiently for whatever method of pain comes next. Not very well. Nothings changed since your arrest. It was not the end of the world. Wheres Lex then? One night, the mice get together to try and find a solution so none of them get eaten. I failed you. He pets her soothingly, a hand clenched tightly around her cape. Its about putting yourself first sometimes, making sure youre not wounded or too hurt to help. He sighs. And Im sorry for saying that. Leave me here. Please Wake up he says softly, his voice raw from screaming at her. Did she remember? He made supersoldiers for the sole purpose of taking down her team. Kara. Again. Her line goes dead as Kara hangs up, and Lena remains on the floor with the contents of her purse scattered around her. They know me. Sister.. Alice., I hope you dont mind. And I failed you again now, with allowing you to trust Lex. She sighs, so conflicted. Maybe the Lena with all her memories did, but you not you.. The Return By: LMXB. Do you know who you are? Alex asks, now concerned that her sister might not know she has powers. Kara tears off her glasses and is out her window before her suit has time to materialize. If I may ask, are you alright?, Alex bites her lip, taking a deep breath. He didnt feel bad about not attending Karas funeral. And immediately after I did it I tried to revive him, but he was too far gone. Kate looks up, recognizing the look on Karas face. Its burned. Tell me, has your team tried to stop you yet? And this incision, she was wounded greatly and there was some time before cauterization., There is singeing on the threads of the suit. Burn marks on the healthy tissue around her wound are crisp, and her singed suit gapes with a hole the spear cut. I dont know, because thats what people have been doing all day?, I already know you dont remember. Her eyes close as a wave of nausea washes over her. No. The team has settled on staying out of the spotlight and sticking to their human identities since then. Lena then notices Kara standing with her back to the balcony door, ready to flee. They had replayed it, over and over again for the rest of the heroes, for the team, for anyone who could find something out of the ordinary about the frame or a reflection of someone forcing Kara to speak. This wasnt how their reunion was supposed to go. Joe is hugging Iris tightly as she cries. Are you going to ask me if I remember something?, His face crunches. She really didnt know who she was. Right? Alex starts, hesitant because she doesnt want it to be true. If Leviathan could do that to an invincable Kryptonian, what could happen to them? Lena queda "flechada" de Kara pero Kara se niega a tener alguna relacin con algn Alfa, Omega o Beta. She died along with the memories that were lost. He breathes into her again and after he sits back on his heels, giving her body a rest from his compressions. Mon-El had to take a moment away from the group. I came to aid Supergirl with an enemy. This is getting boring, Supergirl! Lex calls, knocking her back a few hundred feet. She forces them, vision blurring together. Lena lets out an exasperated sigh. Alex takes Lena to the Tower alone after a heated debate with Kara about not letting her tag along. Barry is the first one to arrive. None of us were, Lena admits, taking a gulp of wine. I want to see if you are still intact on the outside., She grins, finally able to get out of bed. Lex had decided the moment he carried her off the street that he would abandon his dream of taking over the world, instead devoting his life to bringing his enemy back from the dead. But today my brother showed me his true colors. The readhead whimpered softly each time. What happened to Kara? Theyll track me., Oh, Im counting on it. Kara stands, returning the stool to where she found it. How to start. I beg you.. And before she can pick her up and whisk her to safety, the water turns on. Alex watches her a moment, gauging her sincerity, then nods, raising her beer to her. What about Lex? Kara had spread out against the wall, back resting against the cool tile as she sweats the rest of her energy. Only when Brainy came up beside her with a medical team did she release her into their hands, ordering them with a directors tone. First freezing water for a prolonged period of time, now the infusion of cold air into a sealed room. Where did you get this? Alex asks, taking it from her and bringing it over to the group. Shes lost, Alex explains, not able to look them in the eyes. Theyll kill you!, Hey, Kara youre safe, Alex tries, holding her in place and finding it much too easy to restrain her. You really dont remember?, She watches him fearfully. Lena doesnt have any memory of who she is, and you guys are chumming it up downstairs like youre old friends.. A few files with documents she has no idea how to read, gum, lipstick, wallet, and phone. Everything before that is a lost cause. Can you get it done?, He nods, straightening. And I can help take him down., Hes been telling me what to do for months. It takes several hours before Kara makes it to the DEO. Its up to them to decide what theyd rather give you. Her lip is split and puffy, spit and saliva mixed with blood glossing her mouth. How was she supposed to remember how to fly? The city already knows Im gay, and although thats a beautiful thing, it only narrows the search for the press and reporters looking to find my identity. Kate turns to Kara, nervous. When it first happened, Kara had tried to fly around the city and help as much as she could. A camera on a tripod sits in front of her, trained on her face. And she needs you right now. Kate shakes it cautiously, taking her in with narrowed eyes. Ive got you, youre alright.. She really didnt look good. He turns back to her, taking a deep breath as she watches him. She doesnt remember, Alex. Especially to Supergirl. Lena starts taking an interest in the puzzle that is Kara. She cant face hearing bad news right now, cant face the hard truth of what is going on, why shes not waking up, how this happened to her. She attempts to stand from her seated position, but shackes on her ankles and wrists prevent her from moving. Brainy shakes his head. She got into counting to help with her sanity. "Is she injured?" 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supergirl fanfiction alex knee injury