cartel los zetas execution

May 15, 2023 0 Comments

All this chaos in Mexico might be a pretext to lay the ground work for the creation of the North American Union. But the rich is to rich to stop there habbit. themostinterestingmaninamerica. As Breitbart Texas has been reporting for more than eight months, the Cartel Del Noreste has been at war with the rival faction known as Vieja Escuela Z or Grupo Bravo. Or u want me to kill pop him first?? Ur a lame motherfucker like you know EXACTLY what he did to deserve this. Been following this "new war" (see article Beyond Madness: Violence in Mexico) since 2009, and I believe it is important to follow it. Once your in your in. its gotten to be sickening when people actually watch videos of people being killed. for all of u who wake up to be entertained by this bullsht fuck u this real n shouldnt be looked up for entertainment. Some of you are talking really tough about watching this video and liking it. 10 car convoy in one no logos, gunmen in two other points. I live in san Antonio and this hits home w me. what does it prove? Caldrion should of created jobs in mexico insted of spending money on military , he should of created schools, univeristy, and help the youth get ahead, but no he wants to destroy the crtels and create a drug war that is not winable by force. Juana went on to become one of the gang's most feared killers and, after. delta and los pepes did kill a lot of his people and made him scramble but be real what can americans really accomplish in this type of situation? The vigilantes and military will kill those animal cartel people!!! They are known for engaging in brutally violent "shock and awe" tactics such as beheadings, torture, and indiscriminate murder.While primarily concerned with drug trafficking, the organization also runs profitable sex and gun rackets. (the zetas did recently post a video where they behead three supposed cdg members in a sugar cane field or cornfield.) Maybe this guy being decapitated was molested, had a really fucked up upbringing like a father who beat the shit out of him so at a young age he became involved w drugs and shit like that, you JUST DON'T KNOW! wow it must be all that spanish blood.after all it was the spaniards who dismembered and burned people alive. 4 Nuevo Laredo Massacres. There is an article that talks about him picking up the family of a Zeta in Acapulco and he gets icecream for the girl and gives bus fare money to the wife. Worry that your bitch isn't cheating on ur ass dumb fuck and true smart fuck r the crazy ones they know a lot of shit lol n my family is Mexico fucker thats their home place. Fuck those bastards. The video opens to a scene with eight sicarios dressed in ?maybe make him the star of one?? Thanks Laredo! All for $ and loyalty. Animals seem to be kinder then us. "And whats your point sad sack? On April 17, 2012, 14 men, likely Los Zetas members, were found in a minivan, chopped to pieces, allegedly by the Jalisco New Generation cartel, part of the Sinaloa group.In an apparent retaliation, 23 bodies were discovered a few weeks later. I know I would. Who knows what these men were killed for REALLY? When the Mexican government is even more heavily influenced than Arabian countries, Does look like the corruption runs a lot further than Mexico. I felt it diminished my humanity. 12:26, look up La Barbie. The human race is going to hell very fast. Sickening stuff. I felt it diminished my humanity. @3:45am they got killed cause they fuckn Golfo whores. I mean "el cuarenta " is the one that needs to be taken out. "All this chaos in Mexico might be a pretext to lay the ground work for the creation of the North American Union"Conspiracy anyone ? Thanks for serving and God Bless You, amigo,Mexico-Watcher. At least animals only kill to eat and not out of aggression.maybe this guy did desereve it but i still cant watch have no interest in watching.ted bundy and jeffrey dahmer enjoyed this kind of stuff too so i guess that makes u no better than they were. Just be thankful that's not happening to you n ur living a happy life fuckin dumbass bitches instead of being judgement n who the fuck cares if u went to big Damn univesity what does that have to do with this !!!! ! Will not subject myself to that again"Hilarious,such pretentiousness.Good for you.This is humanity. killer Hearing all the scream and gurgling sound.. Yea your really tough. first off i don't see any narcomensaje (narco-message) in this video at all, and its kinda blurry so if there was one i wouldnt be able to read it. His torture begins with fingers being sliced from his hand and then decapitated live. The writers would face certain death at the hands of the various cartels that operate in those areas including the Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas if a pseudonym were not used. @3:32pm didnt he mean the second vid wit the Zetas in a canefield killing Golfo's..? I will admit at the time I was OK with it but after I had a few days to think about it; I was disgusted with myself as well as my buddies. Two hitmen from Los Zetas Cartel in Mexico crossed into Texas to carry out a home invasion turned execution, authorities revealed. just stop being ignorant and impatient and maybe the rest of the world will start to care for mexicans Baylor University is one of the best medical schools in the US. P.S. And cut it short next time. One of the women answers that her brother-in-law is with the Gulf Cartel. It's obviously more descriptive than just reading about it. Gulf Cartel Divorce Beginning in October 2004, Los Zetas embarked on a new mission: independence from the Gulf Cartel. The Beltrn Leyva brothers allied themselves with Los Zetas to face the powerful Sinaloa Cartel and its main leaders: El Chapo, El Azul, El Mayo and El Nacho. my brain do not register double talk. The following is an additional video that some of you have been writing and asking for. I couldn't agree with you more. and this hole thing of beheading people needs to stop and posting it on the internet all this causes is anger rage for the other cartels and it is a never ending process of revenge, so i think these videos should be posted on the internet, in the usa these videos should serve as evdience to the cops not for world to see. Guy tells the victima sorry brother ill see you in hell too.Thats all I can get thank u guys. (See Vigilantes Mante. bestgore Including some states like durango, or cohuila. People actually enjoy watching these types of videos. It was cruel the was she used to kill her victims she was known for pealing the skin of their face. I was speaking from the heart, not with malice or anger or judgement. Let's party AND TAKE ANOTHER HEAD OFF!". This territorial/narco/economic war is a sick joke. This article was written by M.A. Four police officers were killed and two other people . its not the part where you wonder if it hurts only the first few slices hurts , but then from their on it just that when they see them self being cut they scream more but not much pain as one think just panic, but that's what happen when you inform . Several other executions and attacks during the weekend brought the total number of casualties to 19 and close to 24 wounded by gunfire. the only people that love watching this filthare adam laza type M.F. A lot of intelligent fuckers who go to universities are sick fucks so u goin to baylor don't mean shit!!! That was the name of the guy in the first vid? When the U.S. finally got involved with the hunt for Pablo Escobar back in the 90's, it was a very short time, not quite a year, before he was hunted down and executed. The next morning, Barbie's men, whom he taught to be merciful to women, gave the little girl a bowl of cereal with a banana and let her swim in the pool out back. The most recent murders took place on Friday early morning when a team of gunmen . anyways how is the u.s not progressing in life?isnt the us on planet earth, where are we supposed to progress to? These people are sick animals and doing it all because of drugs. Funny, I haven't really heard much from the Obama admin. Sudden shot in the head by five bullets Massacre with gun at rehab center leaves 4 Found a man who was dismembered and hidden Poor guy was beheaded with a poor quality, Two young girls were crushed by the truck, The young girl had her thighs skinned by an accident, Mexico 2 Dismembered Men Found in the Street, CARTEL MEXICO execution video- Cut off the mans head slowly with a knife, Young Lady Stripped Unclad And Beheaded By Unknown Gunmen, The accident left three people dead, one person was cut in half and the other two were disfigured, Body of an Indian woman found in murdered dumpster, Chinese man stabs young woman to death in shopping mall, Russian man murdered his girlfriend and videotaped her dead body, Exploding the head of a rival gang member is her happiness, Suicide by jumping. They were forcibly recruited and haven't been paid or fed by their bosses. The group was known for its violent tactics and tight organizational structure. There have been hundre. Perhaps e40 and his boys? We are all the same. 270p Video: Notorious Mexican Los Zetas cartel boss, Moises Escamilla May, 45, who was jailed for a string of ruthless beheadings, dies in jail from coronavirus Jalisco Cartel Nueva. They don't even see the profits. With Lazcano at the head of Los Zetas, Osiel Guillen in prison, and the Gulf Cartel weakened, Los Zetas entered its second phase of development, one that lasted until January 2010. guy said no no no!!!!! i wonder if the mexican govt. the Barbie post is an all time great. This is why god is starting to turn his back on us, because of people like the narcs who murder for stupid shit. In caase you wonder where they learn"Karzai's office charged that a university student who was detained during a U.S. operation in Wardak province, southwest of Kabul, was later found with his head and fingers cut off. I was trying to compare your thoughts with his, same sentiment I thought. Image caption, Gangs operating in other areas of Mexico are: Cartel de Jalisco Nueva Generacion, Beltran Leyva Organisation, Sinaloa . In the video, thugs ask the women about their ties to the Gulf Cartel (CDG). This is why U.S is obese and not progressing in life. As the two factions continue their fierce fighting, gunmen from the two groups have taken to social media and banners to deliver threats to each other. If you can't feel SICK to your stomach after watching men screaming as their heads are carved off then you my friend have no soul. Now THIS is an execution video the likes CDG and Zetas are known for, thats why I still dont believe the Valor Por Tamaulipas video is real, it just TOO MUCH hate this scumbags have to only give the guy a bullet to the head. They should be dealt with and dispatched with "extreme predjudice." @11:14 negative I think el culenta oh wait sorry don't want to offend the zetilla forum. because he was killed and only righteous mexicans deserve to live?? If anyone gets the Text somewhere please let us know. I think for me watching the videos drives home the realism of it all. There's no other explanation and there's no other way to look at it.And you can tell that they know they are wrong because they all, like the pussies they are and just like the muslim pussies across the sea, wear masks to hide their identities so the rest of the world cannot identify them and they can hide..just like fkn cockroaches.If they thought they were right they wouldn't wear masks.If they weren't pussies, they wouldn't wear masks.If they were true men they would speak their convictions unmaskedbut they don't because they're a bunch of sissy mamas. The shootout took place in San Julian Jalisco near the border with the state of Guanajuato. But what these "soldiers" are doing is absolutely pointless. guy says ok brother see you in hell then says the dick took him and cut all the head of then says stick out your tungue or smile then put the cut his neck bone. In 2013, Mexican Marines apprehended Miguel ngel Trevio Morales, the alleged cartel leader of Los Zetas. I'm a woman and I barely swear but these guys act like they are so tough. The Los Zetas cartel gunmen even executed the family dog. According to the local media reports, the body was accompanied with a note alluding to the Mexican drug cartel Los Zetas. what the hell are you talking about he isnt making sounds or moving, maybe he is hoping against hope they decide not to kill him.. man its so crazy that if this video was made in the us they would find these fuckers easy with digital forensics and all sorts of stuff, yet in mexico its just like the authorities are like fuck'em!! The women have been identified as Lourdes Gregorio Garcia Amaya from Texas, Raymunda Amaya Contreras, Maria Del Rosario Carrizales Amaya, Griselda Carrizales Amaya and Maria Cirila Contreras Garcia. In the usa two states washington and coloraldo has legize marijunna for personl use and u can carry up to a ounce of it, so it is a start, i hope mexico will fallow. Still, the humanity of it all is appalling to say the least.NOBODY deserves to die like that unless they themselves have inflicted death on someone else the same way. They are surrounded by 13 masked men, apparently Los Zetas hitmen, who point their rifles at them. Including that chapo bastard. @ 4:27 PMNo problem man. Think about it"Are you really this sincere?Do you really feel what your are saying?What is so glorious about humanity?Violence is just as natural and as pertinent as love,envy,happiness.Idealism will not take away what we naturally are,that's why we need law and order.Imagine what it would be like with impunity?Kinda like this right here STOP! I could do it but I never enjoy watching it, 3:45 am,you need to go outside and get some fresh air. Point is he did something to deserve this. Makes you wonder "why?" They were asked what information they knew of the Gulfo Cartel. They are surrounded by 13 masked men, apparently Los Zetas hitmen, who point their rifles at them. this act cant be forgive never! obvious a person outside Mexico. They do get help at time from the US, but not enough to keep them supplied as well as the cartels. Many of the soldiers were from good and decent families "yet" despite this they became depraved killers. !-AL QUDS. Mexico is a weak goverment ! I read an article on a woman being decapitated and I decided to find the video for myself to see if it was really out there and what I found was a site full of sick fucks and the first comment on the page was a man saying "they should've stripped her down first so I could've seen the blood run down those bare titties." I could give you an example of something that was made in the U.S. and neither the FBI or Scotland Yard could determine the origins or who was actually in the print. These types of atrocities allways happen in war but what's happening in Mexico isn't war it's just murder. It is what it is.for $ and loyalty. Think about it February 28, 2013 at 4:11 PM "You're no different, you're just another whining lowbrow"as opposed to highbrow?No i was actually talking about wine? This was within the last decade. or if anyone wants to take a stab at it as presented. Movies are not reality. The only brave, honorable and sane thing to do would be to get the hell out of there. Great job on the videos, been dying to see it very interested how these cartels operate without remorse. "Zetas were School of the Americas trainees, no? Then they cut off his head. Dam I seen this video plenty of times the woman in the pink top used to play an important role for the Gulf Cartel she was known as "Comandante Wera Loka" she was a high ranking member. "Just because it isn't you or your loved ones, humanity is diminished. Any thoughts Mexico might be the only place where a nation is at war against itself when is this gonna stop never at this rate the war is not stopping golfos zetas sinaloenss jaliscenses michoacanos all hate each others fucking guts its like ethnic cleansing only difference is what state u were born in ir ur a tamaulipeco in sinaloa u have zero chance of being alive if cartel members find u and same story in nuevo laredo if ur from sinaloa fuggedabout it and so on its disgusting, hey, you guys should put the videos on a secondary forum section for videos. You`ve got at least 7-8 AR-15`s in that group, yet none of the 3 were killed by a single bullet. the US is also at fault for backing up calderion, the usa acts like nothing is happening, we never hear what is going on in mexico on the news, like the usa goverment doesnt want us to know that is why i read borderland for the news, you guys and gals do a awesome job keep up the good work ive been fowlling borderlandbeat for years im a american citizen but born in mexico so seeing these beheading makes me scared to come back and i also think the people of mexico should be able to carry guns for selfdefense. Americas trainees, no family dog to turn his back on us, because of drugs negative think! In? maybe make him the star of one? areas of Mexico are Cartel! People!!!!!!!!!!!!... Barely swear but these guys act like they are so tough state of Guanajuato earth, are... N shouldnt be looked up for entertainment the weekend brought the total number of casualties to 19 and close 24! 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cartel los zetas execution