radiolab inheritance transcript

May 15, 2023 0 Comments

ROBERT: And they didn't have these on land? I already knew that if I ever got a little girl, I was going to name her Destiny. So yeah, she keeps me busy. I mean, for one thing, Barbara's white and Destiny's black. Okay. SAM KEAN: What's happening during this time is that you're setting aside the stock of cells that you're going to draw on in the future to make sperm cells. What they decided to do first was to try to figure out which rat was which, which meant, interestingly, counting all the legs. [ARCHIVAL Clip, Panel: Well, I mean, Hitler thought that if you were Jewish, that you had given up the right to be a mother and hed sterilize people as well. You're slippery, partner's slippery. I don't know where she gets that from. Like have you ever had one of those moments where you suddenly are your dad and it catches you off guard? This whole toad thing, to the Darwinian faction, it didn't scan really. PAT: It would be wrong to assume the women Barbara talks about on TV [ARCHIVAL CLIP, BARBARA HARRIS: These women don't just have one and two babies. CARL ZIMMER: He's 22, 23, and he already had this reputation for being amazing at keeping animals alive, that otherwise would just die. ROBERT: Interestingly, the church has also kept track of the farmers' SAM KEAN: How much they were growing each year. And he makes a very careful study of this hand. She is nine. I wont say too much more except it includes one of my favorite kind of scientific parables that like Ive ever heard. JAD: Even if it helps, it's horrifying. The reason they're more aroused is that the mom's licking activates the release of adrenaline and noradrenaline in the pup. SAM KEAN: That was the implication, except Kammerer tried to defend himself by saying CARL ZIMMER: "Do you think I'm a Dummkopf, or an idiot, because that's what I would have to be if I left a forgery with ink standing around openly in the laboratory where so many of my enemies would have entry?". JAD: It makes a kind of common sense, really. JAD: And I know fate is gonna give them a couple random mutations in those genes. Are there people whose drug use is so out of control they can't parent? I'm graduating in December. PAT: I like you, I get the sense that there's a lot of warmth in you. Lynn has become one of Barbara's fiercest critics. You've got these toads who hate water. ROBERT: So then the one that's in trouble, so thats one of one of eight? Hosted by Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich, Radiolab is a " show about curiosity " that examines science, history, and philosophy to answer the big questions about life. Like Id be like, Weve got the keys, were gonna trash the house., Anyway, we think about that all the time and I was just talking to Lulu about that and she was just like, You know, theres a radiolab about this.. You are not God. Edward Condon Session III American Institute of Physics. And as of 11:01 a.m. on Tuesday, when were recording this, we have not broken the show. I'm almost done. This is spooky because it's like JAD: It means what if grandpa has a bad day? JAD: These are four kids from the same birth mother? JAD: Well, if a mother a rat mother licking her baby can have such a profound effect, basically change the expression of the genes in the baby, well that's hopeful. The show is nationally syndicated and is available as a podcast. It's such a surprising result. Your boys will first grow taller and taller for the next few years, and when they get to be about 9, 10 years old, they're going to stop growing just for a few years. On the one hand, she says, immediately, cheques started arriving. Move on to the next cage, yes, no? Around 1908, he started publishing all of these results. You're obviously a great mom, but that feels cold to me. We went to the foster home and went in. More of this particular protein. He hit the lecture circuit and he hit it big. If you start smoking when you're 10, 11 something like that, you end up having children with more problems. Suddenly you're marked. I'm Sam Kean's dad. I just didn't think. If they see methyl groups sitting on that bit of DNA, they are pissed. JAD: So this whole debate, two totally different ways of seeing life. CHARLOTTE ZIMMER: Radiolab is supported in part by the National Science Foundation and CHARLOTTE and VERONICA ZIMMER: The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. Yes, but creating an assumption that there is a class of people who don't deserve to procreate, who aren't worthy of procreating the human race, leads you down a path that we should have great concern about. DESTINY HARRIS: Kick it to him. A given episode might whirl you through science, legal history, and into the home of someone halfway across the world. Wow. I'm not saying that these women are dogs but they're not acting any more responsible than a dog in heat. Even if it helps, it's horrifying. PAT'S DAD: Calling in to help read the credits. CARL ZIMMER: That's the kind of guy he is. Support Radiolab by becoming a member of The Lab today. ROBERT: Because it's got the thing stuck to it? We'll just get one more.". ROBERT: But luckily for the Vivarium and for our story, they had a guy. Nice, cool water. ], [ARCHIVAL CLIP, BARBARA HARRIS: I'm going to go out into the streets and offer addicted women money to use birth control. LYNN PALTROW: The fact that you're motivated by a really beautiful, important value, that we want healthy kids, doesn't mean the mechanism you're using is going to end up helping those kids. Is that too old?" So for Isaiah, being born was like just being cut off. PAT: So by now it's 1994, and Barbara is thinking PAT: You know? There was a newspaper called The Daily Express and they have these headlines that come out. So that was just funny to me. SAM KEAN: Very easily. When they got another call from a social worker saying that same mother, Destiny's birth mother, had given birth to another child. How was this woman allowed", BARBARA HARRIS: "To walk into the hospital and drop off a damaged baby and just walk away with no consequences?". LATIF: This is Radiolab. PAT: Destiny says one day, she and her mom were in the car, and her mom said DESTINY HARRIS: She said, "I don't know, you know, maybe they'll grow bigger? And I've got say, I'm feeling pretty good about this show so far. And again, Barbara thinks, "Come on, but if this little girl is here, she should be with her brother and sister. ROBERT: And youre saying that part of the DNA is covered up? [ARCHIVAL CLIP, Jad Abumrad: Well lets lets read the book first. And Barbara is not offering that. Researchers have found evidence of structural. The critical part of this Is that all these changes wake up this little gang of proteins. You know, when smart people say, you know, "There's no such thing as nature and nurture it's only interaction of the two," You're like, "What the hell does that mean?" JAD: How do these simple little traits get passed forward? JAD: If they see methyl groups sitting on that bit of DNA, they are pissed. ROBERT: It's a little odd, actually. SAM KEAN: Well, he thought it might have been an assistant trying to frame him because he was Jewish. Could you just tell us what you are doing now? SAM KEAN: I guess the way I would look at it is that you can change your environment a lot more easily than you can change your genes. And it just so happens this town is a perfect place to dig. Once their born, their genes are fixed and change does not happen in a generation or two. JAD: [expletive] That was awesome. Maybe more. Sat her on my lap, with her little dress on and her little curly hair. BARBARA HARRIS: Yeah, the social worker called and told me the mother had given birth. Twitter: @wnycradiolab Language: English Contact: WNYC Radio 160 Varick St. New York, NY 10013 (646) 829-4000 Website: Email: Episodes Golden Goose 2/17/2023 More I had a little basketball for her. What they decided to do first was to try to figure out which rat was which, which meant, interestingly, counting all the legs. And I packed up my stuff, it's pretty much done. PAT: Filled with dozens of letters from women that she's paid. It means what if grandpa has a bad day? Yeah, the social worker called and told me the mother had given birth. SAM KEAN: No, they did not have them on land. I know I've been joking a lot in this interview, but I mean it with all that I am. That's how I've always looked at it. PAT: And by this point, she's 37 years old. And these effects, in fact, were so strong that you could trace it to the grandfather. Maybe more. Like, I mean, as far as positives can go, I think I hit the jackpot. PAT: This, of course, is Destiny. I mean that's a different kind of odds, but its DESTINY HARRIS: Hi, this is Destiny Harris. SMITTY HARRIS: He was just You know, most babies are kinda peaceful, he was never really peaceful. It's a very different kind of front line, where urgent work means moving slow, and time is marked out in tiny pre-planned steps. Radiolab: From Tree to Shining Tree LISTEN Three guests: Suzanne Simard, a professor of forest ecology and teacher at the University of British Columbia, Jennifer Frazer, a science writer that has a blog called The Artful Amoeba, and Roy Halling, a mycologist. You mean, if you had a starving grandfather, you would be a healthier boy for the because you had a starving grandfather? Yeah, it was a very attractive theory to them in Moscow. ROBERT: Is that what you're saying? Yeah, there you go. ROBERT: I think that makes a lot of sense. ROBERT: [laughs] We now know that thats not the case. JAD: His reputation was that he could get inside the mind of, say, a salamander and know just what it wanted to eat. Oh actually, real thing, before we go, Latif. DESTINY HARRIS: Our staff includes Alan Horn, Soren Wheeler, Pat Walters DESTINY HARRIS: With help from Matt Kielty, Chris [unintelligible 01:04:17], PAT'S DAD: And Kenny [unintelligible 01:04:18], PAT: Special thanks to Martin [unintelligible 01:04:21]. ], Sterilized? SAM KEAN: Really slowly, gradually, achingly slowly. Three of them ended up in other foster homes and seem to have done pretty well, but one of them DESTINY HARRIS: Okay, well of them, don't really know what happened to her. How old are your boys right now? He's not just talking about toads anymore, he's gone way beyond toads. JAD: Because, you know, that Ive got these two kids, right? I'm the founder and director of Project Prevention. PAT: Yeah. Radiolab is an outstanding radio show broadcast out of New York City on WNYC. Can you say oh my goodness? So were getting close to the moment of truth, because there it is. It's a little odd, actually. PAT: But were getting ahead of ourselves here. The results make it probable that our descendants will learn more quickly what we know well, will execute more easily what we have accomplished with great effort, will be able to withstand what injured us almost to the point of death. Destiny says one day, she and her mom were in the car, and her mom said She said, "I don't know, you know, maybe they'll grow bigger? CARL ZIMMER: At this really marvelous place called the Vivarium. Okay, you want to say bye? Nobody's arguing that women should do drugs when they're pregnant. It's only the mechanisms are not so clear. It's a guided audio tour through cities where Radiolab Ken Burns and others. Its just That's just how I've always looked at it. I tell you what I'm going to do though. Welcome to the Grammys of government-funded research. BARBARA HARRIS: Sounds bizarre, but it's a solution. One parent stretching isnt going to do anything, see thats the bummer of Darwinian evolution. Maybe they'd try and jump back out, but it was still hot so they'd have to jump back in. I didn't see them as people. Each stone represents a radioisotope by means of a. Like, "How did this happen? Yes, no, okay, move on to the next cage, yes, no? Then, Carl told us about this research that showed JAD: Well, he couldn't quite remember the details. Destiny has, what, three brothers and sisters that also were raised with her? DESTINY HARRIS: You missed it. Lots of money. JAD: People can't just will themselves into a more perfect form. [ARCHIVAL Clip, News: Barbara Harris says she's convinced more than a dozen women], [ARCHIVAL Clip, News: Have accepted her offer to be sterilized in return for money.]. I find myself thinking like, Okay, I know these kids have their genes half from me, half from my wife. You know, just take a little peek for themselves, and every time SAM KEAN: Kammerer said no, they were his specimens. He was really one of the first grand theorists in biology. I had everybody's abuse on my back and I didn't care how we said it, or how we did it. Taylor Swift's Never Getting Back Together. ROBERT: But then, a few years would pass, crops would bounce back. We neuter them.". One time, and I'm on flighter. That's really impressive. CARL ZIMMER: He was revealing it with experiments. I don't think that puts me in the same category as Hitler. ROBERT: And that advantage, whatever it was, because it starts with one individual, and then it gets passed onto the kids, and then onto their kids, it would take a long, long, long time to spread through the whole population because, generally, that's how evolution works. [laughs] We now know that thats not the case. Just don't have any more children because, at that point, I didn't really know any of them. So much can happen after that. You're finishing college, right? As a parent, you are a tiny blip in a very, very, long story. PAT: The question that was stuck in my head right then was, "If you could choose between being born knowing that your life might end up like that and not like it is now, or not been born at all, what would you have done?". Listen Feb 10, 2023 Bliss When did you last shout from happiness? JAD: You know, inside these cells, in the center, coiled up in little spools, is the DNA. He was just You know, most babies are kinda peaceful, he was never really peaceful. Look, in the end, what do I know? Frankly, this makes being 9, 10, 11, 12 like a rather crucial. Well, that's the good news, but unfortunately there is some bad news here. And so, you could only see one nuptial pad, and it all comes down to thisand all of that was just about to fall apart. Oh, that's a lot of potatoes. VERONICA ZIMMER: My name is Veronica Zimmer. The show in in the radiolab eye sky transcript of was interested in his life In And bring the eye Amount of long-distance Runners and they had a Radiolab podcast about it and they. Well, its offensive. You're now hearing Lamarck's name invoked these days because there are things beyond genes that we pass down to our children. She's somewhere, but it's not good from what we've heard. These people are paying millions of dollars to take care of your children!]. ROBERT: Frankly, this makes being 9, 10, 11, 12 like a rather crucial. JAD: Because you begin with a mother's lick that ends up with a deep, deep change in the baby, not just the good, warm, fuzzy feeling, but a fundamental shift in who that baby is, and who that baby will be. Is it a big town? I initially felt very hopeful and excited about this research because it seems to suggest that a body, one body can respond to an environment and change and be flexible in a way we didn't think was possible. ], This could mean sterilization, it could mean getting an IUD.]. They could eat twice, three times as much. When Emil gets to be eight, I'm cutting him off. And if you haven't, you can choose to have an IUD, or an implant put in which will last for several years. One-fourth? A couple of days later, I had already bonded with her so much, it was as if I gave birth to her. This great. We ended up talking to the guy who did the work. SAM KEAN: And so, they just had to hold on for the entire winter. My mom needed a girl and, boop! He is passionate about scholarly writing, World History, and Political sciences. JAD: So imagine the DNA in that brain cell. What's he talking about? JAD: So now, the genes can make the proteins that make the rats a good mom? PAT: For me, this whole story really shifted PAT: When I started spending some time with Destiny, Barbara's 22-year-old daughter. JAD: Because here's the thing, the churches up in verkalix kept incredibly detailed records. And were trying to think about how do we keep it the same in a lot of ways, but also how do we let it grow into something beyond what it was originally built to be. Copyright 2022 New York Public Radio. So moms licking activates serotonin, and it's released onto brain cells in the hippocampus. Listen Jan 27, 2023 Birthstory A sperm, an egg, two wombs, four countries, and money. SECTION I - Story 1 (Lamark, Krammerer & the Midwife Toads) 1. As a parent, you are a tiny blip in a very, very, long story. What does that mean, he was an idiot? PAT: Just a little. I wonder. CARL ZIMMER: Lamarckism pretty much died there. Barbara Harris's solution is simpler than anything else out there. So that's fun. [ARCHIVAL Clip, Daytime Talkshow: You know what they're going to go do with that money. How much of you will echo into the future and how much of you won't? IMDb is the world's most popular and authoritative source for movie, TV and celebrity content. A little village? You can do this. Okay, and then I just had to accept it. In pictures, he has that, you know, that crazy Einstein fuzzy hair thing. This, of course, is Destiny. ], [ARCHIVAL CLIP, BARBARA HARRIS: Like you said, when you were in your addiction like she is], [ARCHIVAL CLIP, BARBARA HARRIS: I didn't say I'm God. I have to be creative.". Kinda makes me claustrophobic. BARBARA HARRIS: "She's born and tested positive for PCP crack and heroin." Or is it? Listen Jan 20, 2023 That you can, somehow, by just being nice to them, reading them stories, or whatever, that you can somehow break them free of all that. And there were from the beginning. BARBARA HARRIS: Aw, you blew him a kiss? They willed the neck to get longer, the muscles to get bigger. He actually named his daughter Lacerta, which is a genus of lizard. Is that a genetic hatred of whistling that I just had? Radiolab is supported in part by the National Science Foundation and by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, enhancing public understanding of science and technology in the modern world. Theyd basically starve. Still, that's a burden that, he's carrying a big burden there. JAD: Serotonin gets into the brain cells, and according to Michael unleashes MICHAEL MEANEY: A whole series of molecular events inside the cell. Radiolab: Inheritance - Mastering Rhetoric Radiolab: Inheritance Posted on February 26, 2013 by wlin4 So I listened to Radiolab's story on "Inheritance" which talks about genetics. JAD: And looking at these swings in fortune, Olov realized what he had here was JAD: Because with all this data, he and his team could follow families forward in time, through the generations. They both say that they actually often forget that they're not biologically related. He thought that you could kind of engineer societies by changing the environment. So, of course the folks at the Vivarium asked him. It's just a mind crushing tedium. Are you nine? JAD: Everybody we talked to seems to think there's something really interesting going on here. They lived longer lives, something like 30 years on average. And I knew that the only way I was going to get a daughter was if I went and became a foster parent and asked for one. PAT: In this magazine article, Barbara even said, quote, "We don't allow dogs to breed. OLOV BYGREN: So they didn't starve to death. The kingdom archive. Well think about it, this is nature and nurture slamming into each other. These are women who love their children, who sought help. She's 20 months old. LYNN PALTROW: Are there people whose drug use is so out of control they can't parent? It's a small forest area, very beautiful. JAD: The sneaky idea here is that the blacksmiths, the giraffes, they made it happen. But were getting ahead of ourselves here. You know? Kammerer, for one, was sent off to work as a sensor for the Austrian military. Really slowly, gradually, achingly slowly. CARL ZIMMER: Kammerer puts on a suit and he walks off into the mountains SAM KEAN: Outside Vienna on a Rocky mountain trail. I know what I'll do, I'm going to set up a terrarium for them and I'm going to make it hot, really uncomfortably hot. And that number, by the way, has grown a lot. OLOV BYGREN: Well, the DNA, the RNA, micro-RNAs, histone. I mean, when you think of Kammerer, there was a report in science outlining a theory about how Kammerer's toads got these characteristics that invoked these epigenetic inheritance and imprinted genes and it made it plausible. At the Vivarium, as the name suggests, they have live animals. LULU: Did you know there is a part of this show is gonna be like crazy breaking news, like happened yesterday and we already have a deep take on it? She did. The team that creates each episode, including hosts Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich, are master storytellers. Is that what you're saying? And, I mean, I have straight A's and I'm making it work. And those lucky ones, according to Darwin's theory, they would have had to have been born with some random mutation in their genes That gave them an advantage in this situation. He had one remaining midwife toad. ], [ARCHIVAL CLIP, BARBARA HARRIS: That's their choice, but the babies don't have a choice.]. JAD: You can imagine these toads are like, "Dammit, fine. He was born in 1880 in Vienna, Jewish family. It says, "Race of Supermen." To her, I matter. Like Id be like, Weve got the keys, were gonna trash the house., LATIF: Anyway, we think about that all the time and I was just talking to Lulu about that and she was just like, You know, theres a radiolab about this.. JAD: Who now works at Columbia University. JAD: And what about the four kids that weren't raised with Barbara? [foreign language]. More information about Sloan at. Kammerer puts on a suit and he walks off into the mountains Outside Vienna on a Rocky mountain trail. I mean, youre just youre saying a lot of things that are really impressive. Here's what Olov says he found in the data. But the story he told us begins around 25 years ago. I make a difference to her. You can't see that on the radio but, hey, it's a fact of life. So. Telling some genes to turn off now, other genes to turn on. And Barbara and Destiny walked me out to my car. That showed jad: because, at that point, I was going to do anything see! 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radiolab inheritance transcript