revolver news bias

May 15, 2023 0 Comments

In 2021, the Election Integrity Partnership released its final report on the 2020 election, titled The Long Fuse: Misinformation and the 2020 Election: Among the sponsors of this report we note some of the usual suspects: the Atlantic Councils DFR Lab and Graphika. Ambassador Daniel Fried and his colleague Alina Polyakova are as high ranked as it gets within the Disinformation Industry hierarchy. Newsguards special selling point is that they employ actual journalists to decide whether a website is appropriate for you to look at or not, rather than outsourcing this critical censorious task to AI algorithms. Out for the day! Indeed, McFaul himself is directly implicated in Revolver News Color Revolution coverage. The AllSides Media Bias Chart helps you to easily identify different perspectives and political leanings in the news so you can get the full picture and think for yourself. All of today's top news stories from Revolver. Stengels attitude reflects a deeper truth about Newguards approach to balance and bipartisanship. Harvard has the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society, as well as the Shorenstein Center for Media, Politics, and Public Policy, while Stanford has the Internet Research Laboratory, where Rene DiResta now works as research director (emphasis ours): Rene DiResta and Alex Stamos lead research on social media disinformation at the Stanford Internet Observatory. Like the now disgraced and jobless Nina Jankowicz, DiResta is a career-girl of the Disinformation Industry a constellation of NATO and US State Department-funded NGOs and civil society groups that censor inconvenient truths, facts and narratives under the guise of protecting the public from so-called disinformation. And like Nina Jankowicz, it turns out that DiRestas name is closely associated with one of the most explosive and aggressively covered-up influence operations of the century. Most stories favor the right and frequently utilize loaded emotional headlines and wording, such as this TRUMP SUPPORTER COMMITS SUICIDE AFTER GETTING CAUGHT IN LEFTS INJUSTICE SYSTEM This story links to the right-wing conspiracy website the Gateway Pundit. Jim Jordan Said 14 FBI Agents Spoke To Him After Trump Raid. 2. Immediately we note that the Harvard study DiResta cites in support of her remarkable claim that misinformation is exclusively a right-wing problem is funded by George Soros Open Society Institute, among other similar philanthropic organizations. My understanding was that they were going to investigate to what extent they could grow audiences for Facebook pages using sensational news, she said. Country: USA The homepage for patriots of all stripes. We've discovered 1,780 headlines written by Revolver during the past 3 months. In October Revolver News reported on Ray Epps and his antics on January 6. While it may be easy to think that we should only consume media from Center outlets, AllSides believes reading in the Center is not the answer. McFaul, like Eisen, George Kent, and so many others, perfectly embodies Revolvers thesis regarding the Color Revolution being the same people running the same playbook. NPR sucks and is unlistenable, so people are going elsewhere, he concludes. Each panel of analysts comprises one left-leaning, one right-leaning, and one center-leaning analyst. Confidence is determined by how many reviews have been applied and consistency of data. In her capacity as Research Director for New Knowledge, DiResta submitted written testimony to the US Senate drawing attention to the danger of such Russian disinformation and influence operations, including the alleged Russian troll farm Internet Research Agency which every self-respecting disinformation operative knows to puff up as the most malign and consequential political influence operation in modern history. It is not yet clear whether Elon Musks increasingly precarious play for Twitter will result in the restoration of free speech in the global public square. Successful or not, Elons brave move has clarified beyond any doubt the Regimes fundamental hostility to free speech and dissent. Our methodologies include Blind Bias Surveys of Americans, Editorial Reviews by a panel of experts trained to spot bias, independent reviews, third party data, and community feedback. By Alex Griffing Dec 23rd, 2021, 5:06 pm. Do you think appointing exclusively democrats and George W. Bush Republicans truly reflects the spirit of bipartisanship a news-vetting company such as Newsguard should strive for? In a report from Population Matters entitled Smaller Families . Revolver's latest investigation breaks down the timeline of events on 1/6 and highlights the network of still-unindicted operators who appear to have been at work either with or in response to Ray Epps during the initial breach into Capitol grounds. Yeah, remember when NPR came right out and said they wouldnt touch the Hunter Biden laptop story? Moreover, much like the New York Times editorial page (but somehow worse), the public news leaders monomaniacal focus on race and sexuality issues has become an industry in-joke. More: NYT Hit Piece On Vaccine Cartoon Backfires and Reveals Plot For New Russia Disinformation Scam. We orchestrated an elaborate false flag operation that planted the idea that the Moore campaign was amplified on social media by a Russian botnet, the report says. Another notable staff is Sharyl Attkisson, the host of the TV show Full Measure, and David Brody from CBN News. Between this report and our earlier report on Nina Jankowicz and the Integrity Initiative, it should be abundantly clear that the disinformation scam is actually about silencing and controlling domestic speech under the false pretense of protecting Americans against influence operations. To change your comments display name, click here. See all Questionablesources. The AllSides Media Bias Chart is more comprehensive in its methodology than any other media bias chart on the Web. MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY, Founded in February 2020 by John Solomon, Just the News is a conservative website that reports political news through podcasts, videos, and textual content. The team considers a variety of factors when rating content. I spent a lot of years listening to NPR from the 80s until the late 2000s. Do you believe that only government-approved science should be published in the media? In review, Revolver.News primarily aggregates news from external sources. Mr. Morgan said in an interview that the Russian botnet ruse does not ring a bell, adding that others had worked on the effort and had written the report. Read the whole thing. Doctor Dan Dungus (@DungusDan) July 20, 2021. In general, news reporting is not always factual and holds a moderately strong right-leaning bias. It is grossly biased. Try NewsGuard today for free with a two-week trial. Stengel is a former senior official in Obamas state department who once described his role as being that of chief propagandist: Yes, you heard that right. The website lacks transparency as they do not provide an about page, name authors or editors, and does not openly disclose ownership. Read more about why AllSides doesn't rate accuracy. Ive stopped listening and dont plan to go back. Authenticity and trust are the building blocks of a terrific customer service experience. According to his bio at the Atlantic Council (the NATO, US State Department-funded NGO where he is now a Distinguished Fellow), Fried was both a major figure in crafting the policy of NATO expansion and a key architect of US sanctions policy against Russia. As of February 2023, people have voted on the AllSides Media Bias Rating for Revolver News. To your knowledge is there a single person on Newsguards staff or board who voted for Trump? Instead of refuting Revolver News thesis that many Color Revolution professionals were running the same playbook on Trump, Newsguard instead asks Michael McFaul for his opinion on whether Revolvers coverage is accurate. Perhaps Lorenzo can assist us. The results confirmed our Lean Left ratings for ABC and CBC News, as well as our Lean Right rating for Reason magazine. Editorially, Just the News does not label opinion content, and actually, they dont produce op-eds; however, in examining story selection, they routinely favor President Trump such as this: Trump campaign slaps New York Times with libel suitwhile reporting negatively on Democrats such as this: Cruz decries dangerous Schumer threats against justices, seeks censure. It is perhaps not surprising then that DiResta would so cavalierly respond to Trump being banned from his main communications platform while a sitting President of the United States: So many folks spent the last day asking "What if Twitter bans Trump?". Sites that spread disinformation often take advantage of the pace at which users skim the internet and their preferred news sources for breaking news. To wit, McFaul served as US Ambassador to Russia during the famous Euromaidan uprisingan event which even the very sympathetic Huffington Post discusses in the context of the Color Revolution framework. 4. Funding. And, like Norm Eisen, he has actually written a book on Color Revolutions (more on that later). The AllSides Media Bias Chart shows the political bias of some of the most-read sources in America. Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. Shorenstein Center for Media, Politics, and Public Policy, NYT Hit Piece On Vaccine Cartoon Backfires and Reveals Plot For New Russia Disinformation Scam. The article did not provide evidence for the claim that the U.S. government orchestrated the Orange Revolution, and NewsGuard could find no such evidence. The real public square has always been moderated. Let's talk about what they are and why the US isn't a candidate for one, Nina Jankowicz (@wiczipedia) September 18, 2020. Hover your mouse over any suspicious domain names or links to find out if theyre legit. Instead, we merely hear that Color Revolution is a term that Russians and Chinese sometimes use, and therefore this is clearly an effort of disinformation on the part of conspiracy theorists to discredit the totally legitimate election results of 2020 in advance. AllSides found that The Daily Caller didn't generally display many of the types of bias, meaning it largely appeared to display sound journalistic practices, such as citing of sources, making it a legitimate right-wing news source. Overall, we rate Just the News Questionable and Right Biased based on story selection that mostly favors a conservative perspective. However, some stories are published from low-quality sources such as RT, Hot Air, Wayne Dupree, and Twitter. Click through to see a detailed trust rating and Nutrition Label for the site written by NewsGuards analysts. "By hovering over a domain name, youll be able to get a glimpse to find out if they are who they say they are," says Imai. Dino, at first, was like, "What the fuck is this?," but then he was like, OK. The Washington Post (20 historical high-risk domains), 4. Media Type: Website The mission of AllSides is to free people from filter bubbles so they can better understand the world and each other. Back in August of 2020, assiduous hall-monitoring in defense of Regime-mandated narratives actually earned Newsguard a coveted prize from the Pentagon and State Department for combating Covid disinformation, which only demonstrates that Big Tech, corporate media, Big Pharma, and the military-industrial complex all comprise one gigantic incestuous cesspit. I was like, "What if we recreate some of the vocal effects on the record, the beautiful delays which are parts of the vocal legacy?" Songs like "Self Bias Resistor," the beautiful chorus has got a lot of deeper delay. Theft and bribery are endemic much worse than in Latin America. Indeed, like most of the star never-Trump impeachment witnesses, McFaul is or has been an ambassador to an Eastern European country. Note the mention of a certain Michael McFaul as a faculty lead (emphasis ours): Two years ago, we launched the Stanford Internet Observatory as a cross-disciplinary laboratory for the study of abuse in current information technologies, with a focus on the misuse of social media. For Ad-Free Subscriptions go here:, Terms and Conditions As is now evident, McFaul was no minor subject in Revolver News Color Revolution series which argued that key color revolution professionals were taking an active role and using many of the same tactics in the effort to destroy Donald Trumps presidency. The New York Times of all places broke the story of this remarkable and now-forgotten scandal: As Russias online election machinations came to light last year, a group of Democratic tech experts decided to try out similarly deceptive tactics in the fiercely contested Alabama Senate race, according to people familiar with the effort and a report on its results. "Remain educated and up-to-date on the latest scams that circulate through the web," says Imai. We notice that the third largest investor in your employer Newsguard is a communications firm called Publicis Groupe. In this video, we explore the fundamental problems. Your opinion matters: we take into account. MAGA Cartoonist Ben Garrison Turns on Trump After Pro-Vaccine Comments. Rather than provide evidence, Newsguard quoted someone they represent as an authority on color revolutionsa man by the name of Michael McFaul: The site [Revolver News] has repeatedly published unsubstantiated and inaccurate claims. As we pointed out in earlier pieces, the Disinformation Industry is assigned to carry out the information warfare component of this domestic war on terror to silence important speech on important matters central to democratic deliberation under the guise of Defending Democracy against Disinformation.. But it was a sign that American political operatives of both parties have paid close attention to the Russian methods, which some fear may come to taint elections in the United States. calling for Snowdens assassination. Los Angeles Times (13 historical high-risk domains), 6. AllSides does not rate outlets based on accuracy or factual claims this is a bias chart, not a credibility chart. Despite Ambassador Dan Frieds performative condemnation of DiRestas Alabama operation, he saw fit to approvingly cite her as an authority in his 2020 publication (co-authored with Alina Polakova) Democratic Offense Against Disinformation., Perhaps even more remarkable is the fact that DiRestas work is cited in an official Department of Homeland Security memo on combatting targeted disinformation campaigns.. So, as a consumer advocate, and as a heavy consumer of news, I followstudies like this closely. They claim, "Revolver News is dedicated to news aggregation and analysis at the bottom of the articles. In other words, the DomainTools research, while interesting, is unlikely to change the highly polarized view of the news media in the United States. The National Pulse's media bias is farRight. Bias is natural, but hidden bias and fake news misleads and divides us. For news consumers, the biggest threat is what's referred to as "typosquatting," according to DomainTools (registering, for example, and posting bogus posts). Its big and its conservative, so NPR had to do a hit piece on it, noting that even though the site does not purport to be a traditional news source and admits to being opinionated, its not clear that the millions of people engaging with the sites news stories every month recognize that. In other words, the readership is too stupid to know theyre being fed misinformation. If youve stripped enough context away, said one egghead professor interviewed for the piece, any piece of truth can become a piece of misinformation.. Get the full analysis behind how media bias impacts breaking news. The following is from the Stanford Internet Observatorys two year celebration (The Stanford Internet Observatory, remember, conducted the Election Integrity Partnership study). Barry Merritt (@barryamerritt) July 20, 2021. In fact, the head of the DFR Lab at the time, Ben Nimmo (now a senior employee at Facebook investigating influence operations), appeared alongside Nina Jankowicz, Anne Applebaum and others as members of the Integrity Initiatives UK inner cluster.. Remarkably, this means that the disinformation group Rene DiResta worked for spent more money on its false flag operation, which involved falsely framing a US senate candidate as a beneficiary of Russian influence operation, than the original Russian troll farm which is the basis for the whole Disinformation Industry scam in the first place! That is Obamas former self-described chief propagandist at the State Department stating that he has no problem whatsoever with propaganda, and in fact supports the idea of countries using propaganda domestically against their own citizens. I love that they only report on two things: Russian election interference and that time that somebody touched a black person's hair, Stephen Tokarski (@sftokarski) July 20, 2021. We can actually commend the Election Integrity Parternship for getting one thing right Revolver News Color Revolution series did have a profound impact on the national conversation leading up to the 2020 election, and we are quite proud of that. Type in the name of the news site into Google search instead of into the address field. Most likely as a response to Revolver News first Color Revolution article on State Department official George Kent, former Ambassador McFaul issued the following tweet as a matter of damage control: Autocrats have demonized the phrase, "color revolutions." Although I probably shouldnt say precipitous decline because hiking is white supremacy. Nowhere is the scam of disinformation journalism more apparent than in the services of a shadowy company called Newsguard. The American Bar Association is poised to mandate diversity training and affirmative action at all of its accredited law schools, a move top legal scholars say could jeopardize academic freedom . We help you decide which news sources to trust with ratings from humans, not algorithms. The Disinformation Industry is itself an influence operation against the American people, and represents the information warfare component of the national security apparatus broader domestic war on terror. Much worse than in the services of a shadowy company called Newsguard such as,. Hunter Biden laptop story to Him After Trump Raid a report from Population Matters entitled Families! The latest scams that circulate through the Web, '' says Imai and dissent impeachment witnesses, McFaul himself directly. Hit Piece on Vaccine Cartoon Backfires and Reveals Plot for New Russia Disinformation Scam I followstudies this! Domain names or links to find out if theyre legit he concludes go.... 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