are david and peter olusoga brothers

May 15, 2023 0 Comments

H istorian and broadcaster David Olusoga has been the face of a decolonial turn in British broadcasting that, in recent years, with series including the Bafta-winning Britain's Forgotten Slave. Kyle Rittenhouse, unlike the rest of their sorry asses, did something. Get back to us when youve developed your historicalguiltometer. Writing in english is cultural appropriation so STFU. Abolition was the first mass philanthropic movement in Britain, and it ended the slave trade in 1807. Everyone was. Grew up in Quedlinburg. He presents a one sided and biased picture of slavery which takes no account of the African participation in it. "I first read it as a student and it struck me as something that was very different to other things I was reading about the Atlantic slave trade. The reason why Equiano is not a national name is because slavery is not a part of the history that we teach when it should be because I don't think you can understand the 18th century in particular but also the 19th century without reference to slavery.". But its still awful, even on a historical scale. Support 100 years of independent journalism. He saw how enslaved people who had risen up were burnt to death, castrated or mutilated, punishments he regarded as merited. That was at the least unusual, particularly from a West European perspective bearing in mind the practice of slavery had pretty much fizzled out there. Should black history be taught all year round? If black lives really mattered these people would be protesting the 500 shot dead so far by predominantly black men in Chicago this year. This is because forgetting slavery means forgetting its victims. Whether they are too stupid to think of that remains to be seen. That was when the Democrats were still Americans. And so many hundreds of thousands of British workers were directly dependent on slavery (from sailors to those who built, rigged and repaired ships) that it was easy to turn a blind eye to the inhumanity. The Royal African Company, established by Charles II in 1672, eventually enslaved and transported more Africans than any other company in British history. I am not so sure about that although it is another argument. "Incorporating the stories of people like Equiano is merely part of a process of looking at all of British history; not just being selective, not only going to the chapters that make us feel good about ourselves or proud.". Giles Terera, the Olivier award-winning British performer who starred in the popular theatre production Hamilton, has recently staged a play called the Meaning of Zong about the massacre of 132 enslaved Africans aboard the slave ship Zong in 1781 and the impact it had on Equiano. Tim may be wrong about stuff, but ..that, ultimately, makes up for his beating squirrels to death for a hobby, Tim Worstall a horrid man who is anti-minimum wage among other repugnant things Socialist News. Which of those societies does Olusogas ancestry come from? Fought to STOP southern independence. Thats why we get it. Once insignificant villages, great cities such as Liverpool, Bristol and Glasgow sprang up on the profits of slavery. Slavery is bad or it isnt. Get back to me in seven years, when youre ready to order. Welsh slave-raids into England continued until early Norman times. Do I feel like I had anything to do it? But oddly enough, people like Olusoga havent given me the cash yet. Good point, I wonder how he squares the obviously comfortable living he has writing, opining and broadcasting about slavery with his principles. "They do not want British history to be a catalogue of heroes and victories and glorious chapters," he says. Not good. His current research focuses on stress, burnout, and wellbeing in sports, with a particular interest in high-performance environments and elite coaching. Under English law, damages are assessed as being that amount needed to restore them to the position they would have been, had the event claimed against not occurred. In the UK its not white people enslaving blacks anymore, but Asians enslaving other Asians, as in Leicesters clothing sweatshops. No doubt life expectancy of a slave was shorter than that for a free man. Like I said, as a mental exercise, if I do my best good faith effort to imagine an argument for reparations, I reckon it would concern harms committed by the state (which unlike the slave traders and owners, is still about today) and an argument that it breached some alleged fundamental/universal doctrine of law so that even the states efforts to put the slave industry on a legal footing were null and void. P rofessor David Olusoga is reviewing a disorientating year from a familiar place: his white-painted study, the one with the guitars hanging from its walls. Theres probably more mileage in my country, or at least its historical incarnation, fought against it because unlike the actual people involved, the state is still around. Theres a flaw in arguments of the form frankly you should be glad I murdered your sister, since had I not done so, its quite possible though we cannot be sure that someone else would have tortured her then murdered her, which is even worse, so whos the real criminal? Which is that I still murdered your sister. We aint paying no goddam reparations & no-ones gonna make us. Britain should be proud of helping to stop (African to America) slavery, like the Republican Party and unlike the Democrats. Thy did not try to grow or raise the next generation. Might, in this case, being 100% of the debating point. The strongest case I can see against reparations is not fundamentally a legal one but perhaps one degree abstracted the law if we can litigate that, we can litigate a heck of a lot of stuff from centuries past, tie our legal systems up in knots with no obvious limits in sight. She had no interest in esoteric discussions of the war. Olusoga was born in Lagos to a White mother and a Nigerian father - who, I hate to say nautrally, did a runner. If the alternative was that they were killed? People seem pretty much agreed on what is right and what is wrong. Thats why when the question is raised, I always point out that they owe me lots and lots of money. My first reaction, years and years ago, was thats awful. Id say this to Mr Olusoga. That may have caused more violence. Would, say, Huguenot-descended South Africans suing France over the 1572 St. Bartholomews Day massacre, or Cornish people suing HMG for the suppression of the 1497 Rebellion, deserve compensation?. Viking Dublin was a major slave-trading centre (English, Irish, Scots, anyone else they could get their hands on). No one has said we should not consider someone elses viewpoint. The Westman Islands of Iceland have an interesting history in terms of European slavery a major rebellion of presumably mostly Irish (Westmen) slaves was put down there in the typically brutal Scandinavian manner, hence the name, but in the 1600s the local inhabitants were themselves enslaved by Barbary pirates and taken to Algiers, from where a few were ransomed back and one wrote about the experience. Various among the societies that were agglomerated into Nigeria were more or less involved in that slave trade from the supply end. MBE: The problem with the UK paying reparations is that people like Olusoga would have to pay their share of the greatly increased taxes. That involved killing the adult men. A covering letter would be a courtesy but probably not a necessity. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. "The way history is viewed is changing. Later his parents separated from each other when he was just two years old. Supported by African authors of slave narratives such as Olaudah Equiano and Ottabah Cugoano, they held meetings all over the country, attracting huge crowds. Olusoga unloads all sorts of characterizations. Black and British: A Forgotten History addresses one of the greatest silences in British historiography. Women such as Elizabeth Heyrick continued to lobby for the abolition of slavery. But Ill tell you what, slavery and human sacrifice, still awful. Roman writers such as Pliny who chronicled or rather fabricated African life shaped perceptions of a continent populated by anthropophagi and other fantastic creatures, half-human, half-animal. "So when black history was missing - the history of empire, the history of slavery - was missing from my history lessons, I didn't have a place to go to discover those missing chapters. Moreover its arguably unjust that only victims of still-extant states have a route to compensation whereas people from ethnic groups roughly contemporaneously massacred, enslaved and sacrificed by the Aztec Empire have nobody to sue. Video, 00:02:30Should black history be taught all year round? Maybe Europeans did increase demand. But it is Olusoga who keeps insisting that its the Brits who are uniquely responsible.. Olusoga was born in Lagos to a White mother and a Nigerian father who, I hate to say nautrally, did a runner. I still find arguing the toss, or watching others doing so, interesting partly because it shows how the viewpoints are divergent, how many arguments are self-interested, what social, cultural and economic forces are at work behind it all. Wider imperialism reparations that include South Asia, China for the Opium Wars and so on, surely even more prohibitively costly, regardless of how effective the education system gets at making young Brits feel a vague sense of guilt about it all. There is no reason to think that slavery was nicer in Africa. And the third, fourth, fifth, and so on. is that the extra demand distorted the market, led directly to more armed slave-raiding expeditions against rival tribes and so on.. Cest de la trs bonne dialectique conomique. They are stupid false for America. As for the future, the University of Manchester professor says younger generations give him hope. That is a strawman argument at its best. No. Forbes magazine's extraordinarily arrogant contributor Tim Worstall Jeremy Corbyn. The book accompanying. Prof Olusoga, the presenter of the A House Through Time TV series, calls it an act of "historical salvage" to bring to the fore the black British figures who had been "lost in the archives, completely forgotten". John Mandeville, whose travelogue (circa 1356) was one of the most widely translated books of the later Middle Ages, presented Africans as naked savages living amid heaps of gold to which they gave no value. Rather the constitution banned the slave trade and so it become economically worth it to make sure slaves lived longer. "He was the voice of somebody who wasn't speaking about the past as a historian, but was living it. Nobody will stop you, honest. It was the first of the slave narratives that I'd ever read and I found it astonishing.". I brought up paedophilia to demonstrate that there are things not worth my time. If you are wracked with guilt, ashamed of your forebears, do it! Intellectually more convincing anyway for practical and political purposes, demolishing a straw-man often makes a better video or audio clip while simultaneously making your opponents position sound stupid. Olusoga has written stand-alone history books as well as those accompanying his television series. Thats what I dont like about the angle of Tims header. "I don't know why this generation has a different relationship with the past, goes to the past, expecting and looking for different things to earlier generations, but that's really is my observation about them," he says adding the internet has played a huge part. Rather that certain western states, still in existence therefore potentially still liable, regulated and indeed encouraged the development of both the transatlantic slave trade and the slave-labour economic systems of the colonies, at scales that were unusual in the long and varied history of slavery, and levels of brutality that stood out too. He writes to inflame white guilt, so that you will ACCEPT destruction of your culture. people like Olusoga would have to pay their share of the greatly increased taxes Nineteen eighty-four affected him in another way: the publication of Peter Fryers groundbreaking Staying Power: The History of Black People in Britain introduced him to the scholarship needed to understand his position in Britain. . But morals are very transient things. Sugar was king: originally a luxury, it became one of the main sources of calories for the British poor. I havent said anything about my personal sense of guilt or responsibility. His black half can get the half-payment direct from his white half. So he calls himself a Geordie. He also studied at the University of Liverpool and so benefits from slavery as much as anyone else. The German survivors of Stalingrad were sent to camps and most of them worked to death. Cotton was a completely different slave economy. The historian and producer said he wanted to. So how much have considered paedophilia? The Coldest Case in Laramie: yet another bleak true crime podcast, From Sophie Mackintosh to Stephen Moss: new books reviewed in short, Universal Credit falls short of covering the bare essentials. "This is a richer history as well as a necessary history; this is a more vivid history as well as a history that tells the back stories of more people in this country than the traditional narratives we've had.". If there were African states with legal continuity to those political entities which established and encouraged the African slave markets, they would be on the hook too, but theres a discontinuity due to colonialism and besides, everyone knows to sue the rich guy not the poor guy. It died out with the Romans leaving, and its non-legality repeatedly reaffirmed from the reign of the early Normans onwards.. You lost those two. Full text must be online somewhere but theres an extract at David Olusoga, introduces his book Black and British, an exploration of the relationship between the British Isles and the people of Africa. Obama had none. That someone did something 200 years ago means double ought nothing. Prof Darity and Ms Mullen outline that to eliminate the existing Black-White wealth gap an allocation of between $10 trillion and $12 trillion, or about $800,000 per black household, should be paid. (and white people was pretty much the British). Oblong, Anti-black riots broke out in Liverpool that year. But slaves were more valuable, so the British fought the Spanish for a share in the trade and eventually came to dominate it. But those were in those long-lost days when democrats and republicans could talk to each other and agree to disagree while both leaving the conversation a little the wiser.. His rhetoric is to inflame the reader. I just dont really get what Olusoga is saying. In that moment, his interest in history overlapped. 7 years was the average working lifespan so it is said. Prof Olusoga is not the only person who has been drawn to Equiano's story. After all, adult males were all but worthless and demand for women might have been enough to drive the trade anyway. In America few were castrated, which is why there are now >40 million descendants there. But Muslims were enslaving white Europeans into Africa long before the Atlantic route, usually castrating the males. Even Bill Clinton had affinity for the USA. It is a good deed that must not go unpunished. But there have been other societies with slavery where slaves had more autonomy and a greater chance of buying their freedom. "This generation has the greatest knowledge-giving tool ever created and they have access to knowledge that I just did not have when I was younger. Nor do I think that sugar is worse than cotton. Read about our approach to external linking.,,,,, Apparently Essay Mills Must Be Made Illegal, Why Oxfam Can Go Boil Their Heads Over Vaccine Patents, The real point about climate change is how cheap the solution is, The excellent Tim Worstall- The Register, Tim Worstall is a darn good economist- Don Boudreaux, Tim Worstall, you pendant- Polly Toynbee, .more sensible than most right wing nutjob bloggersBob Piper. One sporting event that has captured your imagination I was fortunate enough to get tickets to see some of the basketball at the London 2012 Olympics, so my brother and I went to watch the GB vs. Spain game. If Olusoga is looking for apologies or compensation for slavery, I am quite prepared to meet him, accept his apology, togehr with cash, cheque or even a postal order. Its entirely possible to think something was awful without feeling the slightest twinge of guilt or personal responsibility. When Olusoga recalled the experience before television cameras last year, he wept. Reasonable estimates have some 50% of the inhabitants of the Sokoto Caliphate as late as the late 19th cent being slaves. This is nothing to do with slavery or as with black lives matter, blacks being shot, and everything to do with a shakedown of the white man. The argument isnt whether historical slavery was right or wrong or who should accept responsibility for it. Even discussing it gives your opponents arguments merit. "The phenomena of which he is iconic is one that we have written out, edited out of our nation. But as someone who is damaged by slavery I have lived in racially mixed communities and I am happy to see Obama and Kamala pay up. David Olusoga, 49, is a television presenter and historian. Wrong ?!?! Davids all done. Fryers book was monumental, inspiring conferences, publications, the setting up of local history groups, the establishment of Black History Month, and radio and television programmes. That star stuff wont last. His autobiography, The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, details how he was sold into slavery aged 11, his experience of travelling the world as slave to a Royal Navy officer - who renamed him Gustavus Vassa - and how he bought his freedom from his final master, an English merchant in Montserrat. Then, in October, came a breakthrough. You might have heard of a Romano-British chap called Patrick, got enslaved and nabbed to Ireland? The arguments do you want to get shaken down for several trillion?. . Not a big fan of the odd human sacrifice Im afraid, even though I might just be of very partial Scandinavian descent myself. The stars are out as Dr Pete Olusoga explores the psychology of stage and screen with the wonderful British actor (and Coronation Street veteran), Shobna Gulati. 1894 shipwreck confirms tale of treacherous lifeboat. (I suppose it makes a point about blame not being distributed homogeneously, or that a certain group of people shouldnt be guilted just because they share the same colour of skin with another bunch of people you do think are guilty. Away from the creative arts, the Equiano Project aims to promote race equality and he was mentioned in Parliament during a debate on Black History and Cultural Diversity in the Curriculum. He was born in Nigeria but arrived in the . It's all down to people in their 20s, those at school and in their teens, who have a relationship with history which, says Prof Olusoga, is profoundly different from that of their parents and grandparents. Would also apply even if down a different family line there had been beneficiaries of the slave trade. Dr Peter Olusoga is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology. Arguably wrong in a crimes against humanity way (similar language of natural justice and universal morality indeed being used by the abolitionists and the UK itself when it tried to enforce a ban on the trade) that made it inherently illegal even when governments tried to put it on a legal footing. Olusoga, who presents the BBC documentary series A House Through Time, told presenter Lauren Laverne that racism was "just the background hum of life" when he was growing up. I personally dont find that as convincing as the case that slaves themselves deserved compensation, and while there were strong political and practical reasons owners were compensated upon abolition but not their former slaves, it doesnt leave a great moral taste in the mouth that twas so. His exposure to Nigerian culture seems quite limited. When the American Civil War interrupted the supply of cotton, hundreds of thousands of British workers were made destitute, dependent on soup kitchens, and the British economy was dealt a thunderous blow, all because an ocean away the forced labour of four million enslaved black Americans had been disrupted. As a nation, we still have only a dim understanding of the slave system that funded Sloanes collecting. The Barbados slave code of 1661 stripped Africans of all human rights, and set out ways in which they were to be punished, to exert control over their labour (mutilation of the face, slitting of nostrils, castration, execution). One in which enslaved people suffered and even died from malnutrition, as the economics of the slave trade meant that it was cheaper, at times, to starve people and then replace them than it was to provide them with food. The thing we British are ancestrally responsible for is beginning and continuing to pursue the extinction of the sordid business of slavery. There are probably a thousand organisations, charities and assorted grifters who would happily cash your cheque. One of the reasons why the American and Caribbean experiences were very different. Different people can argue the toss from different viewpoints and perspectives but in many ways their arguments pass each other like ships in the night, because they havent all got nobodys got an absolute frame of reference to judge things with respect to. If you want to pay more tax, just write a cheque to HMRC and send it off. Oh man. Peter Pan & Wendy is a live-action reimagining of the J.M . Then the adult men became profitable too. Just how much should Olusoga receive? As would Beyonce. Olusoga is of half Nigerian descent. . In the USA? He is the undisputed King of the Internet Pedants and Lord of the Unnecessary Snark. Anglo-Saxons had slaves. Just means they werent alone in being in the wrong. He was Chairman of Moneysupermarket Group from 2014 to 2019 and Senior Independent Director of Close Brothers Group plc from 2006 to 2014 and is a Past President of the Chartered Management Institute. And yet Africans and West Indians were banned from the victory parade in 1919. The government has said the "flexibility within the history curriculum means that there is the opportunity for teachers to teach about BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) history across a spectrum of themes and eras" so it did "not believe it was necessary to change the curriculum". arguments are pretty weak since relying on a doctrine of virtues of the fathers risks implicitly accepting sins of the fathers.. A renowned economist has said that $12 trillion should be afforded to black Americans in reparation for slavery to help the close wealth gap.. It's against this backdrop that Black British History Month was created. @ Boganboy To be honest, I was a bit sceptical about the Olympics coming to London, but the atmosphere across the capital was genuinely wonderful . But that is not the argument I am making. Jamaicans and Nigerians used to hate each other. Such sources give his writing freshness, originality and compassion. The system he witnessed and wrote about was one in which human beings were worked to death. I had a girlfriend whose mother was a Nazi. I suspect that whether records could prove it or not, its overwhelmingly likely to be true, especially since high-status individuals tend to make a bigger contribution to the gene pool. Black and British: A Forgotten History The economics of the slave trade may have meant that it was cheaper to work someone to death rather than allowing him a comfortable old age. And the Domesday Book even counts slaves as a separate category below the unfree peasants (villans, bordars and cottars) those owed service to a Lord who could order them to move about and could say yes or no to their proposed marriages, but unlike slaves he didnt own them, couldnt sell them, and they had property rights to at least a smallholding. There is plenty of slavery about we just do not call it that. My great, great, grandfather was one. Fired by religious feeling, they embarked on a campaign of public education and political lobbying unprecedented in scale and revolutionary in nature. It's possibly a deeper change than some people realise because I don't think what we're living through is a series of political events; I think we're living through a generational shift," he says. That assumes an increase in demand. They all get it from White people inciting violence. Your email address will not be published. We do not know how great the demand for women was. Video1894 shipwreck confirms tale of treacherous lifeboat, How 10% of Nigerian registered voters delivered victory, Sake brewers toast big rise in global sales, The Indian-American CEO who wants to be US president, Blackpink lead top stars back on the road in Asia, Exploring the rigging claims in Nigeria's elections, 'Wales is in England' gaffe sparks TikToker's trip. But any planter who deliberately starved his slaves to death would quickly go bust. We pretend we do not like slavery but actually we do not like slave traders. Shipwrecked off the coast of Africa, he, and other survivors, were taken by an African tribe as captives. and while the responsible state still exists, Theres a fundamental weakness with all theories of universal law or justice, which is that across time and space, the human conception of what is right and just seems to be extremely varied and rarely (to modern Western eyes) pleasant.. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Not sure how sick this makes me. And, of course, being half white, he is only entitled to half the reparation payment. Olusoga poses as an objective historian and says he is not there to bring comfort to people. Not to say it was nice. They deliberately bought skewed mostly male gender balance. Societies have what morals suit them. I agree BIS. Sign up to receive information regarding NS events, subscription offers & product updates. It can be withdrawn. Were banned from the supply end or personal responsibility that slavery was right or wrong or who should ACCEPT for... Descent myself but Asians enslaving other Asians, as in Leicesters clothing sweatshops recalled the experience television! Relationship between the British Isles and the third, fourth, fifth, and other survivors, taken! When he was just two years old, Irish, Scots, anyone else they could get hands! White, he wept read and I found it astonishing. `` & # x27 ; story. 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are david and peter olusoga brothers