portsmouth, nh city council meetings
City Officials were quick to interfere in the process and to try to insert barriers to considering a different firm, the pair state. . H\0l/>Mo3N/Dusl\?=zgL=WN$meah\79,rs"zBnrU_2,cYUBF/m*5Px:Ogha2QxXvwDRrf3^h=K9%39G9?sr# Created with Sketch. He added that no one should ever, I think, criticize our city employees if they dont know their facts, because that is libel and we cannot permit that, Tabor added. City resident Mark Brighton, who for years has spoken during public comment on a variety of topics, called the comments made by some councilors a way to quiet dissent., He also pointed to the 92 city employees who were paid more than $100,000 in calendar year 2021 and said they are fair game., The city manager (Karen Conard), Peter Rice (the head of the Department Public Works) or any of these department heads, Brighton said. Councilor Blalock thanked Councilor Moreau . The state Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) reported 52 new COVID cases statewide on Monday. Also present was Deputy City Manager/Deputy City Attorney Suzanne Woodland and Library Director Tue, 02/28/2023 - 06:30. 9) What do you think the council can do to cultivate an environment of respect and collaboration and minimize hostility in local government? To see other candidates responses,click here. 10.03.2022-AGENDA-City Council meeting 09.19.2022-AGENDA-City Council meeting 09.12.2022-AGENDA-City Council Work Session Load More; City of PORTSMOUTH Home > City Council Council Chambers. R |dkt@.vjs> |>ku PK`PX/L1] ~ee\GC9W_i^z"_WUdltt&M":EO_I endstream endobj startxref To view the contact information of a City Councilor and submit an electronic request to a Councilor, please click on their image. City Councilor John Tabor noted "past councils have tried to limit public comment, or change it, and I think theyve reaped the consequences of that. Hours See Meetings Calendar. 0:15. But now, with many businesses and most states ending their requirements, we should as well, he added. One Government WaySomersworth, NH 03878(603) 692-4262, Monday - Friday: 8:00 am to 4:30 pmWednesday: 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, Hilltop Mental Health & Wellness Commission, Joint Commission of City Council & School Board, Mayor's Commission on Culture-Ethnicity and the Arts, Mayor's Commission on Preserve Somersworth, Somersworth Youth Connection Task Force (Sunset), Citizen's Place Flag Policy & Request Form. zKQ__.Ys.Kh-=Vj6jPo__f Y,a K%f {]wa W+K. If you are looking for a live meeting broadcast please visit the City'sYouTube Channel athttps://www.youtube.com/CityofPortsmouthor watch it on Comcast'sChannel 22. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. Phone (603) 431-2000. CITY COUNCIL MEETING . While the Audit Committee wanted CLA, Tabor and the City Council ended up backing a one-year contract with Melanson with the plan to send the contract out to bid again, according to the lawsuit. There were just 11 new cases in Portsmouth during the past 14 days, according to the DHHS dashboard. City staff is different, theyre not public figures, so I think speakers who want to criticize city staff they have to understand these are people serving the public, Tabor said. All Rights Reserved. Seconded by Councilor Blalock. hb```0KB cbXSJ*]m6AK-&cw Q_4 j=v,?sJjly[eyUw~+}(d0hx@&#a` A Agenda. the public input process leading into the decisions of this project included over 30 public meetings last year. City Council; Elected Officials; Boards and Commissions; Live/Rebroadcast of Municipal Meetings (Ch22+YouTube) . The City Council is the governing body of the City of Portsmouth and as such is the policy-making entity of the City, except where otherwise expressed in the City Charter. hm8?6~6PUmk/e(:%\QcB,$!DrBsDUMr,D~QRUqqL")bT*]ADCURX*Y6Ws5&&hxtjX5zq?W~gt(==tnY[ XahT-xLSx-?l^FiHD '{Mdn,b['xi;2`]j hu&>Soz;_>&B;of*9!>>"qy E?hk^ vbi4UgB9I&4hzTf[d~5W!eilx9h5Fj)Ic%*5T: Ikp07Zn8 nW"+Md$kY"5=3uof+l-2x)D Civic experience: U.S. The road closures and barriers used to accommodate outdoor dining provided a ray of hope for our struggling restaurant industry. PORTSMOUTH, NH. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) say that people who have been fully vaccinated can resume activities that you did prior to the pandemic., The CDC goes on to say that fully vaccinated people can resume activities without wearing a mask or staying 6 feet apart, except where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance.. We have a housing crisis in Portsmouth. He stressed then, and in an interview later in the week, that he finds the public comment portion of council meetings to be incredibly important as a way to communicate with your government and your elected officials.. hb```B As a result, I think that any such libelous exception during a public comment period is likely to be misapplied, thereby triggering free speech problems., Bissonnette added, "Any suggestion that all city employees no matter their position in government are not public officials for defamation purposes would be incorrect.. Then we should work through our differences of opinion towards a final consensus. Click 'Work Sessions' to play an archived Work Session Video. As recommended by the federal government, we should require all city employees to either show proof of vaccination, or a weekly negative test result to work on city property. MUNICIPAL COMPLEX, EILEEN DONDERO FOLEY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, PORTSMOUTH, NH DATE: MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 2023 TIME: 5:00PM . Whether speech is defamatory is an adjudicatory status that is context specific and requires legal analysis that a public body is not prepared to evaluate in real time, he said. Below, City Council candidate Kate Cook responds to PortsmouthNH.com's candidate questionnaire. DATE: MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2022 TIME: 7:00PM . For the 2022 City Council meetings material, please click on the below links .. Nus`4)53 mo kf&jZg&D?:- WRZR/NS_ 7dq>HmAhyE: hbbd```b``"A$d"0 sl, &d7X B@.j b /h{Lg`X )c Portsmouth Public Schools. Our Complete Streets Policy serves as a guide for becoming a more walkable, bicycle-friendly city. Without that, people lose faith in local government, and ultimately quit investing in our city. Members of the public also have the option to join the meeting over Zoom, a unique meeting . Conveniently located an hour north of Boston and just minutes from historic Portsmouth NH, Somersworth is full of rich history. Tabor, who is a member of the Audit Committee, allegedly violated state law again in October when he relieved the name and number of current bidders during an open meeting, according to the lawsuit. The Dover City Council unanimously voted to hold a public hearing on the proposed jump in parking . City Council Meeting. Many continue to not realize the parameters that limit certain . Join PortsmouthNH.com's new newsletter. New Hampshire is a state in the New England region of the Northeastern United States.It is bordered by Massachusetts to the south, Vermont to the west, Maine and the Gulf of Maine to the east, and the Canadian province of Quebec to the north. 6@~|X;{|sekU/fzZ??~`PXbSCg*),8kf~f[-m]zZ%&\sZv^,5(&P `,A)$Q|-BYaI Bxmz?a5d9FH0baM{h5GjE*W"l/ _K ILl. ,EX&8PhQcsaK7d(29!]Y+M/BMNH*^Zj,c&X"@` 4qV h(S+i ;.AAe3 |*)8tWEng4#0[r-\x0@T1. How many people in your town got the shot? PORTSMOUTH Several city councilors warned residents about criticizing city employees during the public comment portion of their meetings. Tabor, who is a member of the Audit Committee, allegedly violated state law again in October when he relieved the name and number of current bidders during an open meeting, according to the lawsuit. Calls have grown louder for Portsmouth and other municipalities to end mask mandates after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention this month announced it was safe for vaccinated people to stop wearing masks outside and in many indoor settings. Not only are we experiencing a shortage in affordable homes, but we are also experiencing a shortage of rental housing. Phone (603) 431-2000. Former City Councilor Paige Trace, who speaks frequently during public comment sessions, called the comments by some current councilors suggesting it would be libelous to criticize a city employee an overreaction on the part of the City Council.. To register, click on the link below or 2023 - City of Portsmouth. III. I think that theres a desire to make sure we take the responsibility as the policy makers for the actions of the city, he said. Posted at 09:48h in are miranda may and melissa peterman related by On a unanimous roll call vote 9-0, motion passed. 8) Do you support the idea of seasonal road closures and/or barriers to accommodate outdoor dining at restaurants even after the pandemic has (hopefully) subsided? Portsmouth Council of PTAs; School Board. Wednesday at 2:30 AM PST. Board & Commissions. Hours See Meetings Calendar. City Council. %PDF-1.6 % Hours Monday 8 AM - 6 PM. By reducing the insurance requirement we put more money in the local economy, I estimate between $250,000-$300,000 in saved insurance costs . Arthur Clough and Mark Brighton filed a lawsuit in Rockingham Superior Court asking a judge to remove Tabor from elected office, claiming that he illegally disclosed confidential information about city bids for service. . The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has awarded nearly $10 million to 11 public housing authorities . But now its time to end it, because the vaccinations are working and the case numbers are dropping., He encouraged people who havent been to get vaccinated, saying it works, its safe and the data is clear that it helps prevent the spread of COVID-19.. hb```^^A1U2bw"#Wj )a8qFIRyr=Q(I}lkg9v>8Ymz~u @AH%k d0[\n:B# b ?BLILWX3111q1c|~1 3xe H (20;Zu4'o Theres no rule against that, and its not a rule that would get somebody ejected from public comment if there was, McEachern said. We depend on your support. Our ordinance runs out the end of June and I think thats a little bit too late to just let it run it course.". We should move more quickly to provide safe passage for all our residents on local streets, thereby encouraging alternative modes of transportation, and reducing our dependency on automobiles. Reached Thursday, Tabor said he did nothing wrong in the open meeting discussions about the problems he saw with the bidding process. Every city in town has the 1 million dollar requirement, no need for Portsmouth to require more. As the Supreme Court has said, where the criticism is of public officials and their conduct of public business, the interest in private reputation is overborne by the larger public interest, secured by the Constitution, in the dissemination of truth, Bissonnette explained. Resources. Click 'Board Meetings' to play an archived Regular Board Meeting Video. Our official website is designed to be user-friendly and provide the public with greater access to our municipal government. endstream endobj 230 0 obj <> endobj 231 0 obj <> endobj 232 0 obj <>stream Attachments. First Lady Valerie Sununu is pictured to the right of her husband Gov. I would reinstall the bike lanes on Middle Street and listen to the traffic engineers on bike lane planning. We do have the right to bring grievances forward, even if it involves a city employee, she added. More: No prom, but Portsmouth High seniors will celebrate. City Council Agendas; City Council Packets ; City Council Actions; City Council Minutes; Meeting Broadcast Videos ; City Council Up and Coming Meetings; City Council Archived Meetings and Material; About; City Council Policies; Rules . If you are looking for archived meetings, please visit: The City Council meetings are broadcast and recorded and below is the latest recorded Broadcast. Rockingham County is currently experiencing an increase in cases of COVID-19. If we want to alter the type of development that is built in Portsmouth, we need to revisit the Master Plan and the zoning laws of the city. Portsmouth, NH; Providence Journal, Providence, RI; According to the lawsuit, Tabor told the full City Council in March that the Audit Committees bidding process for a new auditing firm was flawed because, in part, a member of the Audit Committee exchanged text messages with one of the bidders. Call to Order 2. At its regularly scheduled June 7meeting, the council will then be able to suspend the council rules and vote to pass second and third reading to repeal the ordinance, Becksted said Tuesday. -Council Representative on: Citywide Neighborhood . Phone (603) 431-2000. CITY COUNCIL MEETING . Years living in Portsmouth: 5 years in Portsmouth, 13 years on the Seacoast. A total of 625,266 people have been fully vaccinated in New Hampshire, according to the state's latest report, representing 46.1% of the population, according to the DHHS. 0:57. Staff Directory February 21, 2023 7:00 PM Eileen Dondero Foley City Council Chambers/Public Participation may be in person or via Zoom . Unfortunately, at this point we cannot avoid litigation completely. The city was awarded the dignity of a Lord Mayoralty by letters patent dated 10 July 1928. PORTSMOUTH CITY COUNCILService Leader - MASH (Children's Social Care)Salary: Band 13 55,427 -See this and similar jobs on LinkedIn. 11.18.2021 City Council Special Meeting by City of Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Snow parking announcement: | City of Portsmouth. %%EOF 2) Do you think the Prescott Park Master Plan should be updated in any way? %%EOF Health, Wellbeing & Social Care meeting, 7 March 2023. The City Council is the governing body of the City of Portsmouth and as such is the policy-making entity of the City, except where otherwise expressed in the City Charter. A permanent covered stage, tastefully designed to blend with the architectural style of the historic buildings in the park, would be a community resource for generations to come. Action Sheet. Portsmouth's municipal election is Tuesday, Nov. 2. The Dover City Council recently voted 8-1 to join the Statewide Transportation Coalition. u Our official websiteis designed to be user-friendly andprovidethe publicwith greater access to our municipalgovernment. During their three minutes, they can more or less talk about anything they want, he said. I think we are asking the wrong question. Councilor Tabor moved to postpone the remainder of the Non-Public Session until the end of the City Council meeting. All Mayor & City Council Meeting Agendas. But when it comes to the employees, they absolutely cant criticize them publicly, Moreau said during a recent City Council discussion about Rule 43 from Portsmouth's rules and orders of the City Council, which regulates public comment. . The Mayor's Office; Posted 5:49:28 AM. Clough and Brightons attorney, Joseph Plaia, declined to comment when reached on Thursday. Below, City Council candidate Kate Cook responds to PortsmouthNH.coms candidate questionnaire. When approaching any city challenge, the council should first discuss the points on which we agree. That will allow us to do what I believe everyone wants to have done, which is the repeal of the ordinance, Becksted said. Chris Sununu after he was sworn in by Supreme Court Chief Justice Gordon MacDonald. Heres how to plan now. A generous gift in any amount helps us continue to bring you this service. Rule 43 addresses how long public comment can last in total, stating any member of the public may have three minutes to address anytopic which that member of the public has identified to the City Clerk prior to the commencement of the meeting., Rule 43 does note that any person abusing the provisions of this rule may be prohibited from speaking at future public comment sessions by a majority vote of the City Council.. 180 days of social studies 5th grade answer key; florida high school track records; milwaukee packout mods; metallica madrid 2022; did doris hamner have polio; 10) Aside from the issues already raised in this questionnaire, please outline ONE other priority you would address as a city councilor over the next two years. It is the right of private property owners to develop their land in accordance with the planning and zoning regulations of the city. We reveal wrongdoing, corruption and influence-peddling while giving voice to the disenfranchised. 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